Chapter 3/ (A/N)

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Heya! I'm back with another chapter. I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to write a chapter, but! I'm back so please enjoy the story ^W^.



"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥     

P.E Class.. (y/n's Pov)

"Hey! (l/n)! Wait up!" I turned around seeing a blueberry haired girl smiling at me. 'What does she want?' She ran up to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "You should be grateful! The pretty perfect girl like me ran up to you and put my hand on your shoulder!" She said in her "pretty perfect head". I smiled at her, "Umm... Yes, Teruhashi-chan? Do you need anything?" I asked her innocently. "Did you see Saiki anywhere? I've been looking for him in lunch." "Don't tell her I was on the rooftop." He telepathically said. 'Oh. Ok then. Where are you?' "Male's locker room." "Umm. Sorry Teruhashi-chan, I haven't seen Saiki anywhere. Do you need anything from him?" "U-Uhm... Well. I was going to ask him to go to that new cafe with others of course!" She said as her cheeks dusted a shade of light pink. "Are you sure you don't wanna go alone with him?" I teased her a little. " W-what?! O-of course not! We're just friends that's all.." She while looking away. 'Hm. Ok then. I wonder what's Saiki's doing.' I just shrugged off my thoughts and started running the laps. 

*TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY MY LAZY ASS* After classes.. (Saiki's Pov)

'Hmm... Should I wait for her? I do need to know more about her.'  "Hmm... Where is that room? Chemistry room." 'Was that (y/n) looking for the chemistry room?' "First floor. To your right." I used clairvoyance to see if she got there. "Thanks, Saiki. Where are you? Do you see me?" "Yeah, I read your mind and told you where it is. Now be quick. I don't want those nuisances to see me." "Wait. You're waiting for me?" "Yes, be quick!" I sighed. 3 minutes later she comes out running towards me. "Did you wait too long? I was helping Mr. Matsuzaki put the chemicals into the chemistry class." "It's fine, I didn't wait too long. Let's go." We started walking. It was a silent walk until she decided to break the silence. "So, um. Why did you wait for me?" "Huh? Oh. I wanted to talk to you." "About what? Me being a psy-MHhmhhm!" "Don't say that out loud. We're in public." "Mhmhmhphm..." "What?" I let go of her mouth and let her talk. "Ok, I'm sorry. Why are you walking in the same direction as me anyway?" "Oh, this is the way to my house." "Really? Mine too! But I didn't see you walk to school this morning. Did you teleport?" She whispered this time. I just nodded. "I'm gonna turn this way. See you tomorrow Saiki!" "Bye..." 

(y/n's Pov) Home.

'Hm... Smells nice. Did Dad cook something?' "I'm Homee!" "Oh! Welcome home, Bittyboo!" "You cooked (f/f)-[if you don't know that means fav. food]? It smells great!" I said as I smiled. "Who's that guy you were walking with on the way home?" "Dad. What did I say about spying on me?" "Well, I can't help myself, sweetie." He smiles cheekily. "I'll be in my room if you need me."

You can read my MIND?! Saiki Kusuo X Reader (discontinued... [yes again.])Where stories live. Discover now