Chapter 11

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OHOHOHO I AM BACK- ENJOY THE CHAPTER- Oh and TW warning ⚠️: Lots of flooofff (fluff) & a bit of violence read at ur own risk!! You can skip the violent stuff if you're uncomfortable reading it.



"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥

(Y/n's Pov)

We watched as the sunset set away from our view and I looked at my phone. 9:15 pm. "Hey, Kusuo. We should go by a convenience store and then go back." He nodded and we walked into a nearby store by my house. "Welcome." Said a young cashier. We head to the snack aisle. I took some chips and (f/d) - (fav. Drink). Kusuo took some ramune. We got to the cashier and I payed for everything. I didn't mind though. "I could've payed-" "No, it's alright. You payed for the dinner and cotton candy anyway." I cut him off. He sighed and we walked to my house.

When we got home, I looked at Saiki. "Do you wanna stay over?" I ask him. "I think you should get some rest. We've been doing a lot of things today so you probably need some good night's sleep." I just nodded. And I remember something. "Hey, Kusuo? What did you mean by you like..?" He looked at me a little shocked but calmed down afterwards. "I like the way you smile. Good night, (n/n)." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He waved me goodbye and when he was out of my sight I touched my cheeks, they were burning hot. 'Eeeeek!! What's going onnn??!! He's confusing me!! My heart is beating so fast. A-am I falling for him?' I shook my head and went inside.

(Saiki's Pov)

When I was out of (y/n)'s sight, I ran to my house. When I got in my parents greeted me. "Soo, Ku? How did the date go?" My mom said. "Did you have fun? Did she have fun? Did you make her cry?" My dad was flooding me with his questions. "It went well. Now, leave me be." I said to them. I teleported to my room. I changed into my normal clothes and thought about what had happened today. I couldn't stop smiling. (Sorry if he's occ ;-;) I felt my cheeks getting warm while I thought about her smile. That sweet beautiful smile. 'Am I in love with her?' No I can't be. It's not everyday you meet a psychic. Oh well. I looked at the ramune that (y/n) bought me. And then I realized something. 'SHIT. I CALLED HER (n/n)! Did she notice? I hope she didn't.' I sighed in defeat and try to fall asleep.

(Y/n's Pov)

I changed into my pajamas and went downstairs to see my dad... "DAD?! WHO'S THIS-?!" I was frozen. My dad was being hold by a woman. Her hand on his mouth and a knife by his neck. "Scream, and your daddy will die." The woman said. "W-what d-do you want with us?" I stammered. I didn't know what to do. This strange woman was in my house holding my dad captive and I didn't know what to do. One wrong move and my father is dead.
"What I want you to do is come here and quietly give up." My dad was struggling to say no but I understood what he meant. I just shook my head telling him he'll be ok. "If I come with you please leave my dad alone." "Sure. Anything you want." She gave me a sly grin while she let my dad go. After he got let go I got hit by something cold.

I woke up disoriented and dizzy. I looked around and someone was standing in front of me. "Good morning, doll. Does your pretty little head hurt?" I grunt feeling something holding me down on this metal chair. My wrists were strapped to it very tightly. My ankles too. I tired to say something but a cloth was stopping me. 'Are they going to torture me?' "Oh no, doll. We're not going to torture you." I was shocked. She could hear my thoughts. "Mmhmmhmm?!" I tried asking. She chuckled. "Doll, calm down. We're just going to do some tests on you. I'm a psychic too, so don't worry." She took off the cloth off my mouth. "W-what are you d-doing this for?" I spoke breathlessly. I was so tired. "Well, I think you know. I am a scientist and a doctor. So you're here as my test subject."

After a while of torturing me and trying to get information out of me, they slowly let me go. The straps were lose and I coughed violently and a bit of blood was dripping from my nose and ears. I was weak. I head was throbbing and my ears were ringing. I collapsed on the cement floor. "Kusuo, help.... me." And everything blacked out.

(Saiki's Pov)

I woke up hearing a telephatic message going through my head. "Kusuo, help.... me." (y/n)... It was (y/n)'s voice. She's in trouble. I changed into my clothes and teleported to Mr. (l/n)'s house. "Mr. (l/n)? What's going on?" I saw him sitting on the floor emotionless and crying. "I-it's (y/n). She was taken away by her aunt." "What do you mean?" "Her aunt is a crazy scientist trying to find out how she can get rid off (y/n)'s powers and get them all for her-" "So She needs help. She sent me a telephatic message. I think she's being tortured. I will find her and bring her back here." Her dad stood up and hugged me and thanked me for being there for her. I used my clairvoyance to find her. She was in an abandoned hospital. I teleported there and hid behind some trees. The place was full of guards.

After I take them out I teleported inside and saw (y/n) lying there. Tears pricked my eyes as I saw her looking so lifeless and cold. I pick her up bridal style and when I tried to leave someone was in front of us. "Tsk, tsk. So somebody really came to save my cursed niece." Before she started her other sentence I just karate chopped her neck and teleported to her house. I lay her down on her bed and sighed. 'I should've stayed with you. I'm sorry if I was late.' "You're back. How is she?!" Her dad ran up to her. "She's going to be alright, she just needs some rest." "Stay here with her. I want you to look after her. Fake boyfriend or not." I nodded. 'I'll protect you with all my being (y/n). I.. I love you.' I kissed her forehead and laid down besides her.

Next day... (y/n's Pov)

I was shuffling around my bed. Huh? MY BED? I shot up sitting down and felt an arm around my waist. I looked at the person and it was Saiki. He looked so peaceful while he sleeps. 'Wait how did he get here? Wasn't I kidnapped? Is my dad okay?!' I tried getting off Saiki's grip but he just hugged me tighter. "Stay. You need rest. Your dad is downstairs making breakfast." Saiki said with his voice. I blushed at the thought of his morning voice. "O-okay, can you let me go? I n-need to change my clothes." I stuttered. He opened his eyes and sat up. He pulled me to his lap and hugged me. I was shocked. Why was he doing this? "K-Kusuo? Are you okay?" "Mmhm. Just let me stay with you like this." He felt so warm. I could get used to this. After a while he let me go and he teleported somewhere. So I decided to change. After I changed I went downstairs and I saw my dad. He was crying. "Dad? Are you okay?" He turned to me and ran up to me. "Never do that again, alright? I was worried sick! Thank god, Kusuo saved you." 'Oh, so he saved me. No wonder he was so clingy.' I giggled at the thought. And he teleported back with some medicine and (f/v) tea. "Wanna eat breakfast with us, Kusuo?" I asked him. "I don't want to bother you and your dad. Just call me if you need anything. I already put my number on your phone." He says as he hugged me and pecked my lips. I stood there speechless. "Did he just pecked my lips?" My dad chuckled. "Well, it seems so. I think he's starting to grow fond of you." "W-wha?! Dad!! Stop!" I sat down and ate my breakfast and checked my contacts. Kusuo Saiki ♥️.. I blushed. I finished eating my breakfast and went upstairs to do my homework.

HELLOO!! So I'm currently working on chapter 12 and I hope you liked this chapter!! Pls vote, comment and follow ♥️🙏😭🥺 thank you so muchh!!

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