A/N!! & Chapter 7

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Hello!!! I'm back with a new chapter! Sorry for the delays :< I've been pretty busy with school work and family stuff... Please read till the end because I have an announcement! Let's get to the story!! 



"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥

The next day... (y/n's Pov) 

I woke up with the chirping sound of singing birds from outside. (Just like a fairy tale~) my eyes fluttered open, seeing Saiki sitting on his chair by his table. He smiled and walked up to me. "Good morning, princess."  I blushed at the thought that he called me his princess. "(y/n), wake up. Hey, (y/n)! Wake up. We're going to be late."  I heard voices and I felt my body shaking. "Huh?" I opened my eyes widely. I saw Saiki looking at me, tching he walked away. "Dress up. I'm going to be downstairs. Make sure you'll be quick."  Standing up I walked to my bathroom and did my morning routine. 

*Time skip* Downstairs. (Saiki's Pov) 

I looked at Mr. (l/n) and he looked at me. "Are you okay? You looked pretty distant to my daughter." "Uhm, no sir. It's just..."  I blushed. "Hm? What is it?" "I read your daughter's mind by mistake when I was waking her up."  "Is that so? What did she dream about then?" 'How in the world will I tell her dad, that she dreamt of me? Well, it seems normal. But why me? Does she like me? Did she take this seriously?'  "Hey, Kusuo? You know... I can read your thoughts." "Huh? Oh... Sorry, sir. Yes, I am dating your daughter, but-"  "Yes, I know you two are fake dating. You don't have to explain." I sighed, I was about to say something when (y/n) came downstairs. "Hey, Kusuo. Are you ready to go? I'll buy you breakfast on the way if that's ok with you." I just nodded. I bid my goodbyes with Mr. (l/n) and we started walking to school. 

"Hey, Saiki?" (y/n) called my name. I hummed. "Are you okay with this whole date thing? We just met and all..." She looked down at her shoes while walking. "I'm okay with it as long as you are."  I held her hand and intertwined it with mine. She shot her head up looking at me, then she shyly looked away. I rubbed my hand against my neck. (IK HE IS TOO OOC TwT IM SO SORRY FOR THAT!!!) We stopped by a bakery nearby school. We went in, and (y/n) looked at me questioning what would I like to eat. "Hello. Welcome to my bakery! Oh-! (y/n), dear! Who is this with you?" An old lady asked her. "O-oh! This is Kusuo. He's my..." "Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend."  I tightened my grip on her hand and look at her. "Oh, dear! Nice to meet you, Kusuo! It's nice to know that (y/n) found such a nice boy to take care of her." I slightly blushed at the comment the old grandma said. 

In school.. (y/n's Pov)

I let go of Kusuo's hand. And walked to my seat while I wait for the teacher. "Why did you let go?"  I quietly sighed. "Well, I let go of you because I have to sit on my seat. I'll talk to you later."  He sat down beside me. "Hey, (y/n)! Hi, buddy!" Nendo walked up towards us with Kaido. "Hey, (y/n). I have a question." "Hm? Shoot, Kaido. What is it?" He pointed at Saiki then at me. "Are you two... A thing???" He looked at Saiki. He had his normal, calm face. "Yes, me and (y/n) are dating."  He said loud enough for Teruhashi to hear. 

"W-What? (y/n)? And Saiki? Are dating?! How?! When did they start dating?! Did that bitch lie to me?!"  Teruhashi was going hysterical in her mind, but she didn't show it on her pretty fake face. (If I offended anyone that likes Teruhashi here, I'm very sorrryy! I kinda feel bad for her lol, but please bear with me T^T). She walked up to us. "H-Hi, there (y/n). Can we talk in private?" I already knew what she was about to do once we were alone. 

"Uhm, no. I'd rather not get dirty in any way. Class is about to start soon any way." "O-oh, right. B-but... A-are you two really dating?" She said with a shaky voice like she was about to cry. "Teruhashi, please don't cry. You're perfect. And you deserve way better than Saiki." I said to her, but I made sure I said it that only she can hear me.  She just sighed, "Congratulations, Saiki and (y/n)! I'm happy for you two! Really..!" She smiled. "I'm happy for them. I hope (y/n) still considers me as her friend."  I smiled at her, and the bell rang.



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