Chapter 15

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HELLOOO- HERES CHAPTER 15 I HOPE YOU LIKE IT- CANT WAIT TILL I WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTERSSS- have fun reading!!! Oh and TW ⚠️ : a bit of angst- I think? Lmfao sorry here's chapter 15...



"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥

*Time skip* 2 days later... (y/n's Pov)

I woke up with a massive head ache. 'Aghh, what happened? Where am I?' I slowly opened my eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling before sitting up. I felt something heavy laying by my legs. It was a boy with hot pink hair.. 'Why am I in the hospital? Did something happen to me?' I thought to myself and the boy started moving. I panicked and moved my legs pretty harshly. "Mggh.." He grunted. Then he froze and shot his head up. I cocked my head to the side confused. He started tearing up. 'Oh no..! Don't cry! What am I doing?! What DO I do?! He's tearing up and I'm in the hospital. Does he know me?' "(y/n)... It's me. Kusuo Saiki. Don't you remember?" He talked with his mouth closed. 'Wait how did he do that?! Unless... he's a psychic like me!' "U-umm.. Sorry, Kusuo. But I don't. Who are you?" He looked pretty handsome if you asked me. "I'm your... Best friend. You got into an accident and you hit your head pretty hard so you've got temporary amnesia." "Wait, wait. If you're my best friend then why are you crying like you're someone closer than that??" He looked at me wide eyed. I frowned a little, I knew he was lying to me. He sighed. "Well, here's the thing. We've got into a deal. That we're fake dating and-" I groaned in pain. I started getting dizzy and my vision blurry. "(y/n)?........(y/n)?!.. DOCTOR. Here! What's going on with he-..." And everything blacked out again.

(Kusuo's Pov)

The doctor checked on (y/n) and he said the impact of my words might've triggered something in her mind. I sighed. Mr. (l/n) patted my back. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure she's going to be fine. She's a strong girl." I nodded. I hope she's okay, because I need to tell her what I really feel.

(y/n's Pov)


I was walking by my house with someone I was familiar with. He was taking me somewhere. "Hey, (y/n)? Are you okay?" "Oh yeah. I'm fine, just a small head ache." I said to the figure. We walked in the park and talked about random things. Everything was perfect. Then all became black. I was alone again. "Hello?! Someone?! Anyone?!" I cried for someone to answer me. "(y/n)? Honey? Are you okay?" I knew that voice. That was my mom's voice. "M-mom?! Mom! Whee are you?!" I turned around and saw my younger self hugging my mom. "There there. It's okay to cry, (y/n)." "B-but, mommy. My classmates said I'm weird! They said I was an alien!" Small me sobbed in my mother's arms. She hummed to me my favorite song. Then they disappeared. I was alone. I walked into the darkness and saw another memory. It was that boy, and we were hugging, laughing in Disneyland. "(y/n), do you wanna try some of mine?" The other me giggled and nodded. I started tearing up... I remember. It's Kusuo. The boy I'm in love with. The boy that cared. I cried there that seemed like hours and saw another memory, it was me. Older and I was holding a kid laughing with him. "Yui..! Come to papa!" I looked at the person and my eyes teared up and widened. It was Saiki. Everything was slowly fading and I felt light.


I rose up panting and looking around. Kusuo was sitting there his head on his hands. "K-Kusuo..?" I managed to say quietly since I felt weak. He looked my way and hugged me. "God, you had me worried. Don't scare me like this ever again." He said while still hugging me. I felt hot tears falling on my shoulder, soaking the fabric of my dress. I hugged him tightly and slowly cried with him. "D-did I worry you that much? I'm sorry, Kusuo." He shook his head saying that it's alright. After a few minutes we broke the hug. "You should get going, Kusuo. It is pretty late." "I'll get going soon. Do you want to eat anything?" He asked, well I was pretty hungry so I nodded.

*Time skip* The next day... (Saiki's Pov)

It was early in the morning, and today was the day of the leave. (y/n) was discharged and I packed her things for her. We were at the airport with the class when suddenly a newscaster said that there was going to be a typhoon. 'There's no way in hell I'll let that ruin my 3 day vacation with Kusuo.' I read (y/n)'s thoughts. I held her hand and we teleported to the point of the storm.

After that wet adventure, (ooo kinky ;).) (y/n) and I were soaked. "Hey, Saiki! We're back on track- WHY ARE YOU BOTH WET?!" Kaido exclaimed. "O-oh. Bathroom malfunction." (y/n) said, Kaido looked at me suspiciously. "How about you, Saiki?" "The faucet broke. Can we get going now?" I said annoyed. (y/n) just chuckled and I smiled slightly for her not to see. We checked in and got on the plane. I sat with (y/n) and she sat by the window seat so, I was clearly besides a nuisance on my right.

After 2 hours we landed and we checked in to our hotel. Our teacher assigned us to groups which was for our rooms. 'Good grief, what a pain. Did I really got assigned with the most annoying people in our class?' I tch'ed.

(y/n's Pov)

I saw Kusuo visually annoyed. I kind of quietly giggled since I know how he feels around the "nuisances". He just needs to be more honest and just say they're his friends. I was roomed with Teruhashi, Mera and Chiyo which was great! These 3 days will be the best spent days of my school life!

....... okay. Listen. I'm sorry..! I was suppose to post this like yesterday but since i got into complications with my mom, my phone got taken away hahahah. I hope you liked this chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger heheheh. I love the way you guys comment and express yourselves!! It's so fun to read them and I love the way you guys support the story! I'm so thankful for you guysss! Even if my story is shet you guys still read it! Thank you again for the support and I love u guys! Pls comment, vote and follow 💓💓 - Hatsume ☺️💜💜

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