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Bakugou pov:


What the f-

I wake up to a shoe hitting me in the head.

"WAKE UP MY DUDE!" I hear shitty hair yell.

I groaned sitting up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes before turning to glare at the three crack heads standing in the doorway.

"I told you that was a bad idea-" I hear pikachu whisper.

"You have to make an appearance at the festival with ocha remember!?" Kiri says

"Yeah yeah I know" I take a deep breath before walking to my closet.

As I open my closet a photo falls from the very top shelf, shattering the glass fitted to the frame. I stare at the photo of my dad the shattered glass covering the hardwood floor.

"Bro? You good?" I feel Kirishimas hand on my shoulder. 

I turn towards him, tears trying to make their way down my face. He frowns and pulls me into a friendly hug.

Ochako pov:

I quickly pull the rest of my funky outfit together, before heading to the kitchen to grab some juice to go.

"Ok Tsu I'm leaving!" I yell

"Okie! I'll see you there when me and tokoyami go!"

I quickly make my way down the stairs of the apartment complex, heading out the door towards the black Tesla waiting in the parking lot. 

"Hey round face" he says. 

i almost burst out laughing, his tacky pants and weird mask made him hard to take seriously. 


"fair point, anyways lets go! im so exited!" 

I press my face to the window, fogging up the glass slightly as i stare at the huge amount of people that where already there and partying. i then feel a strong hand grab my arm and pull me back into a sitting position. 

"don't dirty the windows dumb ass" he growls.

"sOrRY but there is a lot of people here, i would've thought of you as a non people person." i huff 

"i hate people. people are gross and annoying but having people around is part of my job and i love what i do so i deal with the shitty amount of people." he says as he pulls into one of the VIP parking spots. 

i leap put of the car, the smell oh the smell of churros. 

"stop drooling at the smell you haven't even seen shit yet" bakugou rolls his eyes, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the entrance.

there where people dressed in costumes like ours and people just dressed normaly but with a mask over their face. it was so colorful and filled with joy. cute little shops and games lined up all along the road on both sides. triangle shaped flags along a long string hung overhead followed by lights and confetti. 

"ITS SO COOL" i exclaim gripping onto bakugous arm as not to get lost in the crowd of masked humans.

"calm down, have you never been to a festival before?" he asks 

i look down at my shoes before looking back into his crimson eyes. 

"my family didn't have the money to take me many places so i didn't get to do much as a child" i say quietly. 

"oh" is all he says. 

i feel a small tug at my skirt.

"um excuse me? you are very beautiful" a young girl says, she had her mask tugged to the side revealing parts of her face. she had beautiful ivory skin and deep brown eyes, he long brown hair was tied back into a long braid. 

"aw you are to kind, you are quit beautiful yourself you know" i say kneeling down to her level. 

"would you come dance with us?" she asks pointing to the crowd of people dancing. 

i smile and look up at the blond, his expression says no, but i ignore it and drag him into the crowd with the girl grasping my hand. 

all the people seemed so happy as they danced. the little girl enjoyed spinning and shuffling to the songs that played. soon enough she ran to dance with her brothers. i turned to bakugou who was standing along the side. 

"come on you're supposed to represent yourself here anyways might as well dance." i say grabbing his arm and shoving him into the center. 

"ugh fuck, fine but you're suffering this with me" he growls yanking me into the center with him.

it was a full rush, i gotta say he can dance pretty well. i couldn't even hear any of the laughs of the people around us nor could i see those people either. 

then that's when it happened katuski bakugou smiled.

hey my lovelys!!! ive missed you so much! ik i dont write much anymore but im working on fixing that. i love to hear your feedback! is the story getting boring? i feel like im failing at this one miserably.

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