Right now

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Hey guys just a quick a/n you may have noticed bakugou doesn't swear as much in this story as in other story's or the show but I did that on purpose, I wanted to embrace the character from a more personal point of view because there is more to bakugou then cold hearted ness and anger. Anyways love you!!!!

Bakugou POV:

I woke up to the feeling of something cold resting on my forehead...no not just my forehead it was everywhere.

Sitting up abruptly I caught a flash of pink and red dash out of my room. I let out a low grunt before looking around my room finally noticing the buckets of ice that had been dumped all over me. I honestly had zero fucking patience left so I just groaned and got up to shower.

After showering I walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Usually the stylists would help but I requested to dress myself this week. I threw on some black jeans and a sweater saying "stay away from toxic people" it was bright green and quit comfortable actually (SHUT UP I LIKE HARRY STYLES OK) I had bought it at the Gucci store a few weeks ago when I was with Mina and she dragged me everywhere just so she could find the right key chain to match her bag. It was definitely expensive but now wearing it I realize it is definitely worth the price. After tying the laces on my air forces I exited my room and made my way down stairs.

"Heyyy lookin fine bakubro" Kiri exclaims winking at me and holding up a finger gun.
I roll my eyes and push past him into the kitchen.

"Sooooo ocha? You guys are a thing right!?" Mina asks with a ridiculous grin spread across her face.

"What??no we aren't. What makes you think that?" I ask. Even though I was telling the truth there was a tiny part of me that didn't want it to be. It had been nagging at me for a while now and I just don't know how to feel about it.

"Welllll you guys spend a lot of time together and UGH YOU GUYS WOULD JUST BE SO CUTE!!!! She's short and small and you are tall and buff!!!!! SO CUTE!!!" Mina yells out, her screams echoing around the house.

I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed a cup of iced coffee for the go.

Just as I was about to leave I hear Mina call again.

"Where ya goin?" She asks.

I let out a long sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"I have to pick up round face, we are going shopping with the designers to get stuff for the shoot" I growl.

She just stands there laughing. I didn't even bother to continue the conversation I just shut the door and walked across the street to the limo waiting there.

Ochako POV:

I quickly changed into a cute casual brown dress and an open flannel with some white air forces to complete the look

I quickly changed into a cute casual brown dress and an open flannel with some white air forces to complete the look

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(You know what air forces look like I hope even so they are in the second photo)

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(You know what air forces look like I hope even so they are in the second photo)

"Woah ok looking snazzy ocha" Stu says as I walk out of my room. Stu was sitting on the couch with the dark haired boyfriend of hers laying on her lap. I smile at them they are such a cute couple! I was about to leave but something caught my eye. As soon as I realized what it was I yelped and stumbled backwards.

"TSU WHAT!?" I exclaim throwing my bag to the side and grabbing her hand.

"When did you get engaged!?" I asked.

I look over at the dark haired boy who had now moved to the spot next to tsu, a clear annoyed expression rested on his face.

"Haha yeah he proposed yesterday!!!" She says giggling.

I didn't even say anything I just gave her a huge hug.

"I better be your bridesmaid" I say picking myself up.

"Oh you know it, now get going the limo is probably waiting for your slow ass" tsu says shooing me out the door.

I stumbled into the elevator and pushed the main floor button. I was really happy for tsu...but it makes me feel so behind compared to most of my friends...momo and todoroki having a Kid...Mina and kiri pretty much married without a ring...I'm just a girl who works at a restaurant.

I step out into the fresh air inhaling the sweet sent of the flowers near by. I quickly make my way to the limo parked in front of the building. Two tall men. Step out and open the door for me.

Taking a seat next to bakugou I quickly turn to face him to tell him the news!

"You look nice" he states plainly.

"Thank you, you do too but were you even listening to what I was saying!?" I laugh. 

Bakugou POV:

She was right I wasn't listening to anything she was saying...she glowed today, her sweet laugh and cute cheeks that raised at the corners when she smiled, her soft brown hair which had grown a lot longer than when I first met her...she was adorable.

"Sorry yeah I was bored of the conversation" I reply.

"Come on tsu got engaged!!!! That's pretty interesting!" She says throwing her hands in the air.

"I don't really care for that shit unless it has to do with me" I reply.

She just shakes her head and turns to look out the window.

{time skip cause idk}

As we walk along the crowded street we just talked about little things and things we had in common or things we enjoyed. We went in and out of little shops and just listened to the music they played on the street. I didn't want anything more I didn't want any less I just wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Finally having the courage I slipped her hand in mine. She looked up at me with her big brown dough eyes and then smiled and continued walking.

Soon enough paparazzi noticed me and started to swarm, I tightened my grip on her hand and pushed through the crowed as we made our way to our final destination.  Just as we were about to reach the Gucci store a familiar figure steps in front of us.


Hey babes!!!! Sorry for the wait but here is a new chapter!! Please vote and comment! Are you guy still enjoying the story? Just so you know I changed the shoes on chapter one because I got a bit of hate about them. I'm sorry about it I know my sense of style isn't fantastic and I agree they were a bad choice but that still doesn't mean people have to be rude about it!!! Not pointing figures I deleted a few of the comments. But on behalf of myself and other authors if you don't Ike something don't say anything bad and just imagine something else and keep reading! I love all of you!!! Happy Wednesday!!!

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