Skinny margarita

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Ochako pov:

My day yesterday was a total disaster hopefully today will be better..I almost dropped the food yesterday and was yelled at twice by the owner..hopefully I do better today...

I make my way over to the table I was assigned too but stop dead in my tracks..t-that's katsuki bakugou..and who is that? There was a girl sitting across from him trying her best to flirt with him clearly. He looked extremely annoyed, I quickly shake it off and introduce myself,

"Hello! My name is Ochako Uraraka and i be your waiter for today!" I say

The blond looks at me, he starts looking me up and down, then his eyes widen slightly, before reforming back into his original annoyed expression.

"Um so what can I get for you two to drink today!?" I ask smiling

"Hmm I'll have a skinny margarita with two olives on the stick instead of one" The bling girl states

I write it down on my notebook before turning to the blond celebrity.

"Tch, I'll have a water I have to work tomorrow." He sighs

"Perfect! Would you like your drinks with your meal or before?" I ask

"Before! I'm not one of those sloppy losers.." the blond girl states scowling

"Ah ok then I'll be back with your drinks in a bit!" I say before taking off to get their drinks


I arrive back at their table drink in hand and a smile on my face

"Here is your drinks" I say placing them infront of the two

A moment later the woman yelps, then gasps

"You put two olives instead of three!?" She shrieks shoving the drink at me.

The drink tips over the glass shatters, spilling skinny margarita all over my new dress...I was soaked in a skinny margarita..

"Ugh you disgust me!" She states shaking her head

I have had enough of this girl!

"Hey! You know what!? It's only my second day! I had a rough shift yesterday and I don't appreciate you ruining my second one!" I hiss at the girl, I could feel tears sting my eyes, threatening to spill, but I held them back.

" didn't even order three olives! Plus yeah I'll make mistakes but I only just started this job! You can't expect me to be perfect at it!" I state

"Ugh I can't stand this place anymore come on bakugou let's go meet me outside" she states before swiftly walking out the door.

The tears where about to come....

Bakugou pov:

She just walked out of the restaurant..the fuck? The poor brunette was drenched in the sticky drink, her eyes watering as she grabbed the napkins on the table, trying her best to wipe it off.

"Hey, you need some help cleaning up?" I state, there was something about this girl that made me want to be good...

"Oh ah, thanks" she stutters

"No fucking problem" I growl..good I'm sounding more like myself now...

I grab a few napkins and hand them too her, I then reach into my pocket and pull out a handkerchief that's usually used for style, and I hand it to her.

She blushes realizing I noticed her slightly tear stained face.

"Thanks, but you should probably go with your girlfriend" she says

"Pfft girlfriend? Who said she was my girlfriend? She's just some random bitch that contacted me" I state plainly

"Oh.." is all she says in response.

She reaches down to grab the broken glass from off the floor, but she lets out a soft


"You fucking ok? I ask harshly

"Yeah yeah I'm fine.." she says, I look at her hand to see blood smeared over it.

"Hey you know what? When is you dumb shift over? I'll drive you home so you can get cleaned up and fix that fucking bloody wound of yours" I state, a scowl still plastered on my face

"Oh ah thanks!" She says giving me a warm smile

I haven't even known this girl for over an hour and trois strange feeling is making me uncomfortable...

I pick up the few pieces of glass left and throw them in the trash. By the time I'm done she had grabbed her belongings and was ready to go, blood still seeped from her deep cut.

"Ok actually I probably live closer I live like a fucking block from here I'll take you to my place and Kirishima can help clean that up" I say indicating to her wound

"Oh and I'm sure mina has some clothes she keeps at our place in shitty hairs room anyway" i say

"Oh thanks! I didn't know you knew mina! She's one of my best friends!" She says excitedly

"Yeah SHES dating my fucking roommate, now don't think anything of this encounter, I may be an ass hole but I'm not a complete jack ass, I have manners and being a model and all that shit means I gotta be a gentleman blah blah that sorta shit" I spat

"Yeah ok" she says softly

Ochako pov:


"We're here dumb ass" he hisses stepping out of the car.

I hadn't even noticed we started driving..

"Ok" I say happily getting out of the car. I look up at the house in front of not a house..A MANSION THE HELL!
How did Kirishima live in here with bakugou without getting lost...I would get lost for sure...

We enter the large house only to be greated by the cutest dog I have ever seen!

"Omg! He's so cute!!!!!!!" I yell petting the exited puppy

"Hey! Don't call king explosion murder fucking cute hes scary! He will attack you!" The blond says his eyes narrowing

"Fine jeeze" I role my eyes

A moment latter I can hear the scurry of socks against hard wood and then a crashing sound as someone slips and falls down the stairs

I look at the celebrity as he pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"OCHAKO" I hear the voice scream, and then I see flash of pink hair before I'm tackled to the ground.

Ooo not rly a cliff hanger but still anyways this wut mina looks like..

Just in case y'all where wondering anyways thank you all for the support!

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Just in case y'all where wondering anyways thank you all for the support!

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