Ok hi

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Hello my lovely readers!

I know it's been SO long since I've updated. I didn't want to be one of those writers that just stops writing (trust me I get annoyed too) but at this very moment I am swamped with school work and ringette (the sport I play).
I haven't written anything In months mainly due too schedule or lack of motivation.

I love you all so much and I can't believe how far this story has gotten. Never once did I think when I first started writing that some of my stuff would blow up so much.

I may write a chapter or two later on (if you'd like) but as of this moment I am putting this story on hold.

Please, please, PLEASE stay safe. Covid is not any better then it was a few months ago if anything it's worse. Keep your masks on and get your boosters! Or just get vaccinated. 

I send my love to those struggling right now, weather it's personal reasons, a loss, health, motivation and/or family and friends. You all deserve a break from this stress and I want you to know I love you and I send my support for whatever you're dealing with.

Lots of love, your author hales.

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