Where do broken hearts go?

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Ochako POV:

I felt the warmth of the sun shining on my face as I slowly made my way back to consciousness. Soon everything started to set into place...not my room? I started to take notice to the warmth of another strong body pressed against my own. For a second my brain went to the worst and then I started to calm down as I recalled what actually happened the day before. I smile softly to my self before turning to face the blonde laying next to me.

"G'morning" he grumbles, his morning voice was raspy but soothing to the ears.

"Morning Kat" I giggle, snuggling closer to him.

Suddenly I feel a sharp uncomfortable pain on my hip as I notice I was still wearing my skirt and crop top from the day before the zipper of my skirt digging into my side. My matching jacket hung limply on the chair beside the bed.

grumbling to myself i wriggle my way out of Katsukis strong grip.

"Don't go" he states, his eyes barely opening.

"I need to change into something more comfortable I can't go out down wearing the same outfit as yesterday" I scold .

"Ok just grab one of my hoodies and a pair of sweats from my dresser over there" he mumbles swiftly moving his arm to gesture to the dresser.

I sigh before opening the dresser.

I ended up choosing a dark brown hoodie with the words folklore in bold on the front. I just grin at the tag on the hoodie before heading to the washroom to change.

"so you're a swiftie?" I smirk, gesturing to the hoodie that fell to my mid thigh.

"Shut up, don't fucking judge me" he snarls not in a mean way but a defensive way.

"I'm not judging! She's a great talent! But personally her album speak now is my favorite" I smile as he finally opens his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I like reputation but I could only get my hands on the folklore one" he sighs running a hand through his messy blond hair.

"I see" I whisper as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"You look damn good in my clothes you know" he grins gesturing to the baggy sweats and hoodie that were certainly a lot bigger on me than him. I blush lightly at his comment before standing up to head to the door.

"Noooo don't leave" he yawns.

"I'm gonna make breakfast!" I say before shutting the door behind me.

I make my way downstairs, the place was huge. I would have gotten lost if the kitchen wasn't the first thing by the stairs.

"OCHAKO!?" I hear Mina yell.

"Yes?" I ask cluelessly.

"I didn't know you were coming over this morning" she said now coming into view. then I heard her gasp as she looked me up and down and I realized my mistake. Oh shit.


I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose in annoyance with myself.

"Did you guys-" she starts before I cut her off.

"No! Get your mind out of the gutter you rat!" I exclaim.

"RaT!? I am hUrt" she sighs dramatically.

"I just gave him cuddles? Was that a cheesy thing to say? Idk we kissed yesterday so I'm not-" this time I'm the one getting cut off.

"YOU KISSED!" she exclaims.

"Shut it will you!? yes now let me make breakfast you pink haired mink" i sass.


I went home around 3 because Kat had to get ready for a party later that night.

it was currently 8:30 and I was sitting criss cross on the floor of my room in fuzzy socks, tight fit High waisted grey pj shorts and an oversized brown zip up hoodie as I scrolled through my tik tok feed.

I raised my eyebrow at the caption of the next video. Katsuki bakugous new girlfriend!?

I then proceeded to watch the video, as I watched the moment play I feel my stomachs turn uncomfortably. A small tear making it's way down my cheek. There It was...Katsuki with Hana pressed against him, her lips on his. I felt my heart shatter as the video continued to re play over and over...and over. I couldn't bring myself to scroll past. I was to shocked.

Without thinking I stormed out of the apartment as I whipped my tears off my cheeks.
I fumble with my keys as I unlock my car. I didn't think I just drove. I soon arrived at the familiar large house and knocked on the door.

Soon the door opened to reveal exactly who I needed to see. Her pink hair was in a little bun on her head and she was dressed in a simple pajamas. She looked at my expression before her eyebrows creased. Before she could even say anything I felt my hot tears start to spill once more.


After my hiccups slowed and my tears were nearly dry Mina looked me in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry" she whispers.

"It's alright, who was I to think he liked me like that anyway" i laugh uncomfortably.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks luv, you are gorgeous" she says brushing my bangs out of my face.

I give her a bitter sweet smile before I jump at the sound of the door opening.

soon I was standing face to face with the last person I wanted to see.

"I hope you enjoyed your night" i say harshly through gritted teeth before attempting to exit but the blond stopped me with his slightly slurred words.

"You saw the photos didn't you?" He whispers.

"Yeah I did. Stupid of me to think you actually cared" I spit.

"Ochako I do care. I care so much just let me explain! I was drinking and-" he starts before I cut him off harshly.

"I can tell. I don't want to hear your pity speech. I'd listen but I think those photos and videos are enough to explain our situation" i scoff.

"No LISTEN TO ME!" He shouts. That scared me. I felt the tears start again But before he could try and stop me once more I had already stumbled out the door.


Thank you to LegendaryOtaku1 for the lovely chapter idea! I guess it's a bit on the angst side but it can't all be perfect can it? Haha I'll start to update weekly now if you'd like! Leave a comment or a vote or both...anyways love you guys! Enjoy!

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