Todomomo baby shower!!

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Ochako pov:

It had been a few days since the graveyard incident...I still couldn't get the hurt that wafted off of the angry blond out of my head...he was so fragile and well sad...

"Hey ochako we're leaving soon!" I hear tsu call

"Ok! Be down in a sec I just gotta make a call"
I respond.

I grab my phone and quickly dial the needed number.

"The fuck do you want"

"I want you to come pick me and tsu up 😎 we wanna look cool showing up at momo's baby shower!" I say sarcastically

"And what gives you the idea that I'm GOING to that shitty celebration!?"

"Well I can have a plus one and I choose YOU grumpy pants" I say

"This isn't fucking Pokémon"

"And? I care? Anyways cya in 5!" I say, hanging up before he could say another word

"You ready? I'll grab the car" tsu says

"WAIT! Bakugou is gonna drive us" I squeal

"What!? But I'm not complaining..." she says smiling


"Get in the fucking car" he says rolling his eyes, his hand tapping the wheel to the quiet music.

"Don't be so grumpy" I scowl

"Tch" is all he responds with

"Hi bakugou! Thanks for driving us!" Tsu exclaims, climbing in the car after me.

He simply ignores her thanks as he heads on to
The highway.


Bakugou pov: as we arrive at the party I watch as she skips around greeting everyone her cute skirt flowing in the light breeze along with her brown locks of hair. "SNAP OUT OF IT KATSUKI WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I yell inside my brain.


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(Her current outfit)

"Hey bakubro!" Shitty hair says

"Tch what do you want" I say rolling my eyes

"Your at a baby shower your gonna have to socialize" he laughs

"I'm not gonna fucking socialize if I don't want to" I growl

"BAKUGOU? I'm so glad you came what made you decide to come? I would have thought you would have been strutting the run way instead" a very pregnant momo laughs

"Shut the fuck up i didn't come for you and your shitty ass husbands baby." I scowl

"Then what exactly did you come for that's the whole point of this party.." she says

"Tch" I say before just walking off.

Ochako pov:

I was so happy to see everyone!

"Hello Ochako" a familiar voice says behind me

"Hi todo!!! How's married life? Exited for your new baby!?" I ask

"Married life is a lot of work and I am yes but also stressed I won't be a good father" he says

"What!? You'll be a great father!!!" I say

"Thanks ocha" he says before walking away

Hmmm who should I say hi to next? Or should I have food the food here look amazing!!!

"Hey ocha!" Deku says, skipping over to me

I was about to smile but the memory of the moment in the cemetery came flooding back to me making me a little uneasy in his presence.

"Oh...hi" I say

"Is everything ok?" He asks, his eyebrows knitting together in concern

"No actually it's not ok" I growl

"What!? What happened did someone hurt you? Was it kacchan if it was I'll fight him off!!! He can be such a mean jerk!" He exclaims, making my blood boil in anger.

"THATS JUST IT HES NOT A FUCKING BAD PERSON AND YOU CLEARLY DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY SUCH A THING AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" I yell, heads turned in our direction with concerned and confused faces. I caught bakugous gaze with my own, his expression was stressed but also said "are you ok?" I then snapped back to reality.

"W-What!?" He mumbles

I practically hiss at him before storming off.
I leave the garden and head down to the river for some air.

The breeze was nice and the view of the river was calming. The ducks splashed in the water without a care. Wish it where that easy...

"Hey round face? You ok?" I hear rough voice ask

"Huh yeah thanks bakugou" I say bluntly

I sense him sitting down beside me, as he releases a big sigh.

"So you finally snapped at the nerd eh?" He laughs a small smile appearing on his permanently frowns face.

"Apparently" I giggle back

"It's not ok for him to call you names and stuff even though he was the one who did the's just wrong" I continue

"Yeah it is fucking wrong" he growls

"Ok we should get back" I sigh

"Tch ok" he says.

When we arrived at the party once again everyone seemed to have forgotten the yelling incident and was now chatting along.


The sun was setting and the chilling breeze was softer. I was just leaving the garden before I felt a rough hand grab my arm.

"Ochako why did you yell at me?" The green haired boy asks

"Hmmm maybe because you watched bakugou's dad die RIGHT BEFORE HIS EYES! And didn't do SHIT to help!" I hiss

"That was ten years ago! I'm not that person anymore!" He argued

"That doesn't excuse your mistake!" I say

The next thing I knew he had grabbed me, smashing his lips onto my own. He was harsh about the kiss at first but then...I kissed back..this shouldn't be happening i shouldn't be kissing him! I pulled away shoving him off of me.

"Don't deny that you liked that! I felt you kiss back! I'm sorry for that mistake I regret it every day!" He says tears forming in his deep amber eyes.

"I-just leave me alone.." I say before turning my back on him.

I ran right into a hard surface just as I turn around. Falling to the ground.

I look up into the crimson eyes of a very angry and very hurt katsuki bakugou.

YAY NEW CHAPTER!!!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter it's a little angsty but what's better then a twist am I right!? Anyways please leave a comment and I vote I love to hear your feedback!!

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