Festival pt 2

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ochako pov:

oh, the rush! the cheers and the outfits! Im smiling so uncontrollably my face may just stay this way.

I hear a low chuckle escape the blond's mouth as he rolls his eyes at me. this made me pout.

"what's so funny!?" I huff.

"you look like someone who just saw the best movie in the world," he says raising an eyebrow.

"oh, I see" I chuckle.

Bakugou grabs my hand pulling me out of the crowd towards a table full of snacks.

"yum!!!" I exclaim as I rub my hands together.

we pick out a few snacks but as soon as I go to eat one the aggressive blond snatches the treat out of my hand.

"ah, no treats until later, I still have to sing so I can't be eating sweets and you sure as hell can't eat them without me," he scolds.

"ughhhh fineee" i sigh.

we continue our way through the festival, i barely blinked once. every so often someone would stop to ask for a photo with bakugou or for him to sign something, but him being the dumb ass he is he denied all of them.

"don't you think you could be a bit nicer to your fans?" i ask

"no." he says bluntly.

i sigh in frustration, i don't understand how he can be so sweet yet so rude.

"Come this way" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the large stage ahead.

As we arrive at the decorated structure bakugou begins to slow his pace.

"I have to get ready, you can come back stage with me" he says softly.

A smile forms on his face. Everything seemed o be in slow motion once again and a wave of warmth and safety washes over me. His smile was handsome and gentle, a smile unlike any other. His smile soon turned into a frown, and everything was normal again.

"Oi round face? You good?" The blond asks as he waves a hand in front of my face.

"Um yeah I'm good" i say giving him a warm smile.

Does he smile like that for everyone? Why is my heart beating so fast? I shake my head trying to rid my head of my new thoughts but they seemed to just come back.

I followed he blonde back sage, he led me into is dressing room and then gestured for me to enter.

"Come on, you can help me figure out what to wear" he says.

"Oh ok! I say smiling once more before entering.

I was amazed at the size and design of the room. The walls were a deep red and there where lights strung along nicely on the wall. There was a desk with a mirror in the corner just like in the movies, as i turned to look around some more something caught my eye. A simple necklace was placed on top of the desk, it was a dusty gold colour and there was a small circle pendant attached. The pendant was simple but beautiful it had tiny diamonds all around it making it stand out beautifully.

I felt a rough hand rest on my shoulder causing me to jump back to reality.

"Beautiful isn't it? My mother gave it to me after m father died, she told me to keep it with me until i realize what is best to do with it. I bring to all my shows for good luck" he says softly, his warm breath tickling the skin of my neck. 

I shift my gaze to star into his beautiful ruby eyes.

"It is beautiful" i say under my breath.

The next thing i knew bakugou was holding up two button up shirts, one had a graceful red dragon on it and the other just had simple Gucci symbols on it.

"Which one?" He asks harshly.

"Hmmm the dragon one because the other just screams ahhh I'm rich pay attention to me you know what i mean?" I say.

He chuckles and then speaks.

"Yeah i guess i see that shit but I'm no fucking snobby rich guy" he says rolling his eyes.

He then proceeds to take his festival accessories off exposing his chiseled abs. I felt my face get hot as i slapped my hands over my red cheeks almost poking myself in the eye while doing so.

I hear hm chuckle while a grin spreads across his face.

"Like what you see sweet cheeks?" He snickers.

Sweet cheeks? That's new.

"No shut up you ass hole" i say glaring at him.

He laughs once more before putting the shirt on.

"Ok turn around so i can put my pants on"  he says.

After he had finished getting ready  he told me it was ok to look again. 

He was wearing black ripped jeans and he left the top two buttons of his shirt undone revealing three chain necklaces. He also wore thick silver rings on all his fingers.

"Wow what a hottie" i say lifting an eyebrow in impress.

"Ikr I'm fucking smexcy" he says winking at me.

All i reply with is a simple eye roll.

"Ok time to rock this festival, cya on the sidelines" he says grinning at me as he grabs his guitare from it stand.

Without hesitation i pull him into a hug, inhaling his spicy sent.

"Good luck katsuki" i say as i pull away.

He looks at me in shock as i say his first name. But then he smiles at me.

"Thanks ocha, but i wont need it" he says winking at me once more before heading on stage.

Hello my lovely readers! Thanks you so much for 7k this means the world to me! This fan fic is already doing so much better than my other! And i am working on a new one to hehe so stay tuned for updates on that! Please comment and vote it may seem like a useless thing but to a writer even the smallest action will make my day.

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