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Bakugou pov:

I walked up to the gravestone near the Sakura tree, gently blowing in the wind. I swept the few leaves and flowers off of it ... I then rested my hand on the cool stone, taking a cold breath before speaking.

"Hey Dad, it's been ten years now.."

"I fucking miss you, dad.."

"I try not to be sad..but it still hurts"

"I'm famous now dad..can you see me?"

"I'm going to sing at the festival tomorrow...will you be there?"

"Oh yeah there's this girl...she's as sweet as mochi..and she makes me smile..it's weird but..it makes me happy"

"What was mum like when you met her..?"

"I miss you.."

"Can you see me? Do you miss me?"

"I'm in all your favourite magazines now. I remember you reading them all the time..you used to show me how cool the models looked in the magazines.."

"Am I one of those boys now dad? Can you see it?"

"I-I miss you d-dad..why did you go? I blame myself...but you could still be here..if it wasn't for him.."

"Can you see how far I've come, dad?"

"I try not to cry dad, but it still H-hurts"

"I brought you some fresh Lily's..your favourite? Every colour I could find..the old hag at home is still as crazy as ever...was she always so loud?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't bring more."

"Ten years dad...ten years..."

"I really miss you, dad...I keep finding old family photos around my house..that I brought with me.."

"There's this one here..of us together..I brought it for you.."

"I was annoyed because you guys would squish me

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"I was annoyed because you guys would squish me..it's not the same anymore..when it's just the old hag...it's not the same without you.."

"Do you remember those days.."

"Even the embarrassing bits..the ones you told me about in front of other people...haha"

"I really fucking miss you...dad?"

"Can you see me? How successful I've become? I know you would be proud..but it would be better if you were still here... "

"Happy birthday dad...I love you"

I kneel down in front of the grave, as the rain begins to pour lightly over me. I place the Lily's in the jar beside the grave and clear out the old flowers from last week. The framed photo goes next to the name etched into the rock, leaning against the stone.

"Here," a small voice says behind me

Behind me stood Ochako.

"Thanks, how did you find me?" I say, taking the umbrella she was holding over my head.

"Never mind that ... I'm sorry for your loss ... I had no idea" she states, a small frown appearing on her face.

"It's fine..not a lot of people know..only Kirishima and..and..never mind.."

I have to suppress the wave of anger that comes

"Oh..if you don't mind me asking how did it happen?" She asked hesitantly

My face darkened at the memory of his death, and something foreign welled up inside me. It suddenly felt very hard to speak.

"W-we were hiking" I forced out

"And he slipped...I caught his hand, and I-I held on tight. I asked him to help me...I asked him to help save him..but he just stood there like the weasel he is"

The tears finally began to well out, for the first time in years.

"...He didn't do anything. he just watched as he slipped out of my grasp..."

"Who?" She asked

~Flash back~

"Come on dad! Hurry up!" I say excitedly
The young boy walked slowly behind us.

I rarely ever had chances to go on trips with my dad, and I was overjoyed at the prospect of that trip.

I hear my father yelp and stones sliding, and suddenly my father is there, about to fall off.

I quickly grabbed his hand, pulling with all my might, but I know I can only keep him from falling..my feet slid on the gravel as his weight started to drag me forward towards the cliff he hung from...

"Come help me! Please help me! We can save him together! Help!" I cried to the other young boy, Panicked tears spilling over my cheeks.

"HELP YOU, IDIOT! Help me! Don't just stand there!!" I yelled as the tears started rushing over my face.

He just stood there watching! I felt my father let go of my hand..but I still held on as I slipped closer to the edge

"Hey, Katsuki..hey bud, it's ok to let go... let go it's alright I'll still be with you, I'll never leave you...I will watch you from the heavens above its ok Katsuki let go.." he says softly, a bittersweet smile appearing on his face

"NO, I won't! I won't!" I yell I feel my grip slipping as my hands continue to sweat from stress, my arms burned and my legs ache..until he slipped through my grasp..falling to his death millions of meters below....

I let out a harsh scream, I looked over at the green-haired boy just staring...

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT IF YOU HAD JUST HELPED ME HE MIGHT STILL BE HERE! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT HE'S GONE!" I screamed as I fell to the rocky ground crying and screaming...gone... I stared at his unfeeling face.

~end flashback~

"Deku.." I hissed

I watched as her eyes widened and a series of emotions flowed through her expression, anger, sorrow, pity, disappointment, betrayal and concern.

"N-no he didn't..he wouldn't?" She stuttered.

"But he did, my father might still be alive to this day if it wasn't for him..." I choked out.

She falls to her knees beside me hugging me tight, stroking my back and whispering sympathetic words in my ear as I sobbed...I was weak..fucking weak.

Can you see this dad? This girl is giving me attention I don't deserve.

I love you old man... Happy birthday...


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