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Ochako POV;

"Well look who it is, the little waitress and my future boyfriend" Hana scoffs

"Oh look its an absolute bitch. Now move." Bakugou says pushing her head out of the way.

He tightens his grip on my hand once more and pulls me towards the door. Before we could go any further i felt a cold hand grab my wrist. tight. Ow.

"No no you don't get to do that sweetie" Hana hisses as she flips her long blond hair.

I could hear Katsuki growl in frustration.

"Katsuki it'll be alright just calmly tell her to leave" i say looking up into his beautiful eyes.

"No. Fuck off you entitled blonde bitch" he snarls letting go of my hand to free me from her harsh grip. He then wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer.

I blush lightly at his actions but don't think much of it.

Hana didn't say much she just pulled a small bottle of water from her bag. Before i new it she was pouring it down my dress. That's it. The last straw.

Escaping Katsukis grip i swing my hand around, slapping her hard across the face.

"Stay away from me and Katsuki you absolute bitch" i spit.

Hana stood there her mouth agape and her hands pressed to the side of her face.

"Come on Katsuki" i say grabbing his wrist and leading him into the Gucci store.

Katsuki pov:

"Wow the cinnamon roll can swear, HA!" I laugh. The thrill of what just happened dancing in my head...I like her even more now dammit.

"Yeah well I can be pretty feisty" she growls.

"I like it" I mumble as we start to look around the store.

I took a quick glance at the fuming brunette. Her cheeks were dusted pink and her eyebrows were still narrowed. Her dress was still drenched in water.

"Ok we can find stuff for shoots later, let's find you a new outfit so you don't go around drenched in water." I point out.

"Yeah ok" she says.


After a while she finally found something with my help that she liked.

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She stepped out of the dressing room, she looked gorgeous

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She stepped out of the dressing room, she looked gorgeous...

"Katsuki?" She says.

"Huh sorry, it looks great, will that work?" I ask

"Yeah.." she started but trailed off. She looked down at the ground, a stressed look clear upon her cute face.

"But..?" I ask taking a step towards her.

"I- I can't afford it" she said, giving me a bittersweet smile with sad eyes.

The look on her face made my heart ache.

I took another few steps towards her, she looked up at me, her big sweet brown eyes locking with my own crimson ones. I gave her a soft smile, which caused her own sweet smile to make its way on to her face once more.

"I'll pay" I say stepping back and breaking the gaze.

"What!? No no! I feel terrible if you do that!! Katsuki it's really really expensive!" She argues.

"You're cute you know...but I'm paying" I say.

As soon as the words left my mouth I feel my face heat up. Her cheeks went bright red and she stuttered to find words.

"Fine" she mumbled, giving up.

Ignoring the awkward moment I smirk in success. Heading towards the counter.


After picking out some fits for the shoots we left the building only to be greeted by the annoying ass paparazzi and their flashing cameras.

"Who is that girl with you mr bakugou?"

"Is She your girlfriend!?"

"Can you answer a few questions!?"

"Enough!! I'm not answering your dumb questions today, just let us leave!" I yell over their questions.

Once we had escaped the paparazzi, I let out a deep sigh of frustration.

"I'm so sor-" I start but was cut off by a soft tug at my pant leg.

I look down only to meet eyes with a small girl about the age of 6 her long blonde hair was in two tight braids and her sweet baby blue eyes looked deep into mine.

"Um, could you sign my knuffle bunny?" She asks holding up a sharpie and a cute little bunny plush.

I let my expression soften into a smile.

"Of course" I say, bending down to her height.

"Thank you! You're the best!" The girl says tackling me into a hug. I was surprised but touched by the action. After a long embrace I watched as she ran off to her parents across the street.

"What a softie HA! The angry cactus HAS FEELINGS!" I hear Ochako say beside me.

"HEY! I HAVE lots of FEELINGS!" I growl back.

She just continues to giggle uncontrollably.

I let out a short laugh of my own just as she pokes my rib cage making me jump.

"HEY! You'll pay for that!" I laugh chasing after her.

"NOOO NO YOULL NEVER CATCH ME! NEVERRRRR" she laughs as I chase her into a large field. She was doing her best not to trip over herself in her heels. I continued to chase her and slowed a little as she kicked off her heels and continued barefoot.

I chuckled to myself before speeding up.

"GOTCHA" I yell as we tumble to the ground, a laughing mess.

I roll over, her small forme underneath me.

Her smile lit up the world.

We continued to laugh as we just stayed there looking into each other's eyes.

After a while our laughs turned into short breaths, her eyes flicked from my lips back to my eyes.

That's it. I can't do this anymore.

Without hesitation I lean down and press my lips to hers in a soft passionate kiss. It was like butterfly's were let loose in my stomach.

Finally pulling away she giggles to herself before pulling me down to the ground with her once more.


HEY GUYS!!! Sorry it's been a while! But as promised a new chapter for this week! It is currently 2:00 in the morning for me but I hope you enjoy!

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