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Bakugou pov:

I wake up to a pounding feeling in my head. Ugh fuck. Last night was a mess...what even happened. And then it hit me. Ochako...

I curse to myself before rolling out of bed. I make my way downstairs and take some medicine for my head. When I turn around I notice the pink haired bitch sitting at the counter, glaring daggers at me.

"What?" I question.

She rolls her eyes before opening her mout to speak.

"What?! What!? After everything that happened all you have to say is what!?" She growls.

"Uh, Im sorry ok? I have to fix things today." I sigh.

"What is there to fix!? You kissed another girl! You don't deserve ocha!" She yells.

"LISTEN! she made a move on me! She kissed me! I didn't kiss back! I pushed her off immediately before having security drag her out of the bar!" I exclaim gritting my teeth.

"Oh my god..." mina says looking shocked.

"YEAH! I was gonna tell Ochako yesterday but she ran out on me!" I yell.

"Ok you have to fix this" she says.

"YEAH NO SHIT!" I say.

God I'm such an idiot.

Ochako pov:

I woke up late, with my makeup smeared all over my face. I shifted my head to the side my gaze falling upon the Taylor swift sweatshirt that lay neatly on the floor of my room. I let out a shaky sigh before getting up and walking out into the living room/ kitchen. And of course the last thing I wanted to see. A happy couple.

"Morning ochako!" Tsu exclaims before her face fell at my physical appearance.

I just glare at the two people curled up together on the couch.

"What's up? You look terrible" she says quietly.

"Thanks for pointing it out!" I snap slamming the fridge door.

"Woah, she didn't mean to offend you! Why are you snapping at her like that?!" The black haired boy says clearly annoyed with my actions. I simply roll my eyes before replying harshly.

"You wouldn't understand" I growl before storming out of the room.

"What's her issue?" I hear them whisper before I popped in some earbuds to drown out my negative thoughts.

"When you feel your love's been taken
When you know there's something missing
In the dark, we're barely hanging on
Then you rest your head upon my chest
And you feel like there ain't nothing left
I'm afraid that what we had is gone
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave
When you lay there and you're sleeping
Hear the patterns of your breathing
And I tell you things you've never heard before
Asking questions to the ceiling
Never knowing what you're thinking
I'm afraid that what we had is gone
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave
And I want this to pass
And I hope this won't last
Last too long
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave"

Before I knew it tears were falling again. Why? I've only known him for like two months but yet I'm so attached.

I shut my eyes for so long I forgot I could open them. I wasn't sleeping just processing as I listened to the music playing from my phone.

Until abruptly the music stopped and I felt my ear buds being gently taken from my ears. I let out a low growl before turning around only to come face to face with the one person I was trying so hard not to think about.

"Niall Horan? Good choice. Great guy with great music" 

Great of course he knows him.

Hi hi short chapter I know I know don't yell at me. I had finals this last week so I wasn't super focused on writing. But I'm done school on Monday so hopefully chapters will be longer. Although I am going to Newfoundland with my bsf but that shouldn't effect anything.

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