What are we?

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Ochako pov:

I had never smiled so much around someone before. His laugh was adorable, it was soft with a bit of rasp.

Before I knew it his lips were on mine. It's katsuki bakugou you'd expect it to be harsh or hungry but it was nothing of the sort. It was soft and sweet. After he pulled away all I wanted was to kiss him again. I had no idea how long I had been waiting for this.

We walked back to his place hand in hand. Talking about the little things in life. Most people see him as a handsome man with anger issues but really he's just as soft and vulnerable as anyone else.

"O-chako?" I hear a voice from behind. A familiar one at that.

I hear katsuki let out a deep sigh as he tightens his grip on my hand.

"Hey deku" I say giving him a small smile.

"The fuck do you want?" Katsuki spat.

"So you just hang out with jerks now?" Deku asks steadying his voice.

I could literally sense the eye roll from the tall blonde next to me.

"Listen deku, you guys definitely have your differences but please just understand that Kat is a great guy." I reason.

"Kat? What is this?" The green haired boy asks confused.

"Listen you little shit. Leave us alone and mind your own god damn business" katsuki snarls pulling me closer.

"Ok listen. Sometimes seeing the way you act makes me realize maybe loosing your dad wasn't enough to teach you a lesson!" Deku says starting to shout.

(Sorry it kinda seems like I'm attacking deku here but he honestly annoys me so 😭)

Jeez how many people do I need to slap today

"You're gonna regret saying that" katsuki growls as he lets go of my hand.

"Katsuki please" I beg, grasping at the corner of his sweater.

"Fine then. I'll make the first move." Deku says simply.

The next thing I knew deku had thrown an agressive kick straight to katsukis ribs.

I yelped, a tear slowly rolling down my cheek.

It didn't take long for katsuki to shake it off and throw a punch of his own straight to the bridge of the green haired boys nose. Deku stumbled back in pain before glaring at me and running the other way.

What just happened.

I rushed to katsuki's side.

"Don't do that ever again" I snap before feeling around his ribs.

"Tch ill be fine." He says.

"I have one question. Why did your punch affect him so badly? It seemed to hurt him a lot more than it should have.

He didn't say anything instead he lifted his hand to reveal a nice set of rings.

"Alright. Come on let's get you home so I can help you with that bruise." I say helping him up.


"Is he ok?" Kiri asks as we make our way to katsukis room.

"Yeah he'll be fine, just got in a bit of a fight that's all" I grumble.

"Sit down, take your shirt off. I'll grab some bandages and ointment." I say as I walk in to the washroom.

As I make my way to the boy sitting on the edge of his bed I notice his sly grin.

"Oh shut up, not like that you douche" I roll my eyes.

I'll admit he was fit. But I'll admire that another time.

I sat next to him and began to wrap the soft stretchy wrap around him.

After I finished I look into his deep beautiful eyes. Realizing he had been watching me the whole time I felt my face heat up.

I let him put a simple tank top over his form while I put away the supplies.

I made my way back to where he stood.

"Better?" I ask looking up at him. He was at least 5 inches taller than me as I was pretty short and he was just over 6 foot.

"Much better" he whispers.

I smile and stand on my tip toes so I could place a soft kiss on his lips.

I then turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist, pulling me back towards hims. crashing his lips onto my own for a second but deeper kiss then the little peck I gave him moments before.

"so tokoyami tells me you like my magazines?" He says, leaning his forehead against my own.

"Whattt nooo" I giggle trying to escape his grip but instead he pulled me closer before throwing me onto his bed.

"Owww" I mumble.

"Awe shit sorry" he says laying down next to me.

"It's ok I supposeeee" I laugh.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he snuggles next to me.

After a few moments of silence I decide to open my mouth once more.

"Hey katsuki" I say

"Mm" he mumbles

"What are we?" I ask

"Whatever you want us to be" he whispers.

This ones short sorry. But I felt like I owed you a chapter so here it is!!!! I think I may do a filler chapter any like date requests or like cute or angsty ideas? Gimme gimme!

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