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Ochako pov:

"Tsu! I got his bird! Is he alright!?" I ask concerned, as I enter tokoyamis hospital room

"He should be fine...he got into a car crash, sorry I had to take you away from your date with deku-kun" she says

"Date!? It wasn't a date!" I say flustered

"Oh? Ok then" she says, she was sitting on a chair beside tokoyamis bed, holding his hand.

"Here's his bird, the vet said he's back to full health.." I say placing the cage with the fluttering black bird on his bedside table

"Thanks ocha" she says with a sad smile

"Of course, anyways do you want me to stay?" I ask

"No it's alright it's late anyway, go home and get some rest" Tsu said

"Alright, see you later" I say giving her a sad smile, and exiting the hospital.

(Time skip brought to you by hamsters in speedos, riding dogs!)

Bakugou pov:

"Honkkkkkk!!!" I wake up to the sound of a fucking loud air horn, I slowly Open my eyes, adjusting to the light, I see shitty hair and his fucking alien bitch girlfriend holding in air horn, with shit eating grins on their faces.

"...IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU TWO! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU LOSERS!? THE HELL?!" I yell jumping out of bed, chasing them around the large house

"We're sorry!!! We just wanted to laugh at you for your newest modeling photos in today's magazine! You look so soft! AHAHAHh" pinky says

"Your going to fucking die!" I hiss at them, I leap at shitty hair, grabbing his wrist, twisting it behind his back so he can't move it, I then snatch the magazine out of his hand.

"Ow, the hell bakubro" he says pouting

"You fucking deserved it" I snarl, throwing the magazine in the trash

"Ok! Bakugou make some waffles!!!" Alien bitch commands


God living with shitty hair is a bad decision, but I have no one to yell at if I live alone.

Ochako pov:

I wake up, yawning and stretching.
I slowly get out of bed, making my way slowly towards the coffee machine, but I first swerve towards the door to grab the mail. It seems that tsu stayed at the hospital last night, seeing as she is not present currently.

I open the door, and grab the mail, we had some billing mail, and some random coupons..and another fashion magazine..did tsu just start ordering these or have I just not noticed? I close the door, and start flipping through the he looked so soft in these photos! It was a different than the ones from yesterday these ones where more aesthetic....

wow he looked so soft in these photos! It was a different than the ones from yesterday these ones where more aesthetic

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