⚠️ Chapter 1: A Fallen Star ⚠️

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!WARNING! - Gore - Graphic Descriptions - Minor to Major Swearing 



Error walked up to him. I watched from a distance, this huge feeling of hatred and jealousy towards him. Although I didn't know the sans, Error seemed quite friendly with him. Almost too friendly. But, what did it matter to me? Error wasn't mine to control. Even if I wished I could control him. He would only ever be with me if I could.

What was I even thinking? That's so wrong to do. I'm a star, I'm a protector, I can't do that to Error! He's only now starting to trust me, so, there's no point in throwing that all to hell, is there? I really do love him, though. I wish he'd look at me more. Wish he'd pay attention to me more. He doesn't despite my clinginess, he's good at ignoring me. I think he picked up on that trait all those times I'd try to annoy him when he would final capture me and try to get rid of me. 

Of course, nothing worked, as I'm immortal and cannot die, nor can he. We were stuck with each other, so, might as well get used to each other, I had told myself over and over. I had been working to befriend his stubborn ass for years! He just wouldn't ever let me close to him! 

Error started to talk to the other skeleton. I felt even more jealous as Error smiled at the sans. I turned around tried to ignore them, pulling out my knife to cut what Blueberry had told me to. He was trying out some different technique of cooking. I couldn't tell the difference between all the different knives. 

Dream walks into the room, "Are you okay?" He asks. "You know that's not a cutting knife, silly." 

I look up at him. "Do what?" I ask, looking at the knife. They all looked the same to me. 

"That's a dagger, not even the right kind of knife. It's not used for cutting food. It's for self-defense or you know- um...a-anyway, this is the right knife to use." Dream picks up a different knife, holding it out to me. I take it in my other hand, smiling at him. 

"Thank you!" I chirp at him. Dream smiles and walks out of the room, leaving me alone. I turn back to the window, watching Error and the sans.

I twitched as Error smiled at him. Why him? What was so great about him? Error and the other boy laughed about something, it must've been a joke, considering the person Error was hanging out with. Why was MY Ruru with him anyway? Error's mine...not his! He can't have him...I won't let him...How do I get him to go away?


I looked down at the small dagger in my hands, it glinted with a small spark in the sunlight that flicked through the curtains. I smiled brightly, looking up to where Error stood. Oh, yes, you're all mine all right. 

I took the dagger, leaving the food there and walking out through the back door, towards where the sans was leaving Error, waving goodbye. Error turned away and left this AU, probably to go back to the anti-void. 

I purposely ran into the sans, he turned and looked at me. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" He apologizes to me. I give a smile, hiding the dagger behind my back. 

"Oh! It was my fault! It's all good!" 

"No, no, it was mine. Can I make it up to you?" He asks. 

"Actually, yes, you can, can you just help me lift something? I accidentally broke a crate and I'd hate to leave it there," I lie to him. "Follow me." 

He agrees to help and follows me to where this "crate" was supposed to be. He looks around confused. 

"Where's the crate?" He asks. 

"It's not here," I say. He turns to look at me, about to ask something when I slammed him into the wall, he cried out in pain, blood dripping down his skull where I had managed to crack it. 

"S-Stop! I k-know you're f-f-friends with E-Error!" He yells, holding his hands in front of his face in defense. I smile at him. 

"You're right. And he's....M I N E." I snap at him, anger in my voice. I continue to bash his skull against the wall until he looked as though he would fall over at any moment. Blood dripped down his skull, his eyes duller than a moment ago. His arms limp at his side as I held him against the wall. Who even cared about him? Error didn't need him! I'll be the one there for him once this one's gone...I took the dagger and stabbed him right through in the weaker part of his skull. He fell to the ground, coughing up more blood. He looked up at me weakly. 

"Y-You're a monster...y-you're s-supposed to be t-the pro-protector..." He told me. 

"I am! And I'm protecting what is rightfully mine," I say, smiling widely at him. He dusted and I watched the dust go off into the wind. 

What was I feeling? 

What was this pleasure? 

This overwhelming feeling...

I was...






Blood covered my arms and hands. The wall was splattered with blood, a splash almost, I just smiled at it. The metallic scent of blood stuck thick in the air as I walked away, dagger in my hand, smiling to myself. 

What could be more pleasant than this? Finally, he's gone. I won't let anyone near Error. No...Not ever. He's mine. He's not anyone else's! And I don't wanna share him. I want him to focus on me and me only! He cannot be around others...

They all want to take him from me. I won't let them do that. 

They cannot have him if I cannot have him. He will be mine in the end, after all. All I have to do is remove a few pawns to get to my love. I held the dagger loosely in my hand, staring at it, the blood that stained it such a deep red and the handle of the dagger. I looked down at my hands once more, the blood that were on them. The blood on the ground and the brick wall. 

That felt good to do.

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now