⚠️ Ending 4: We're Finished ⚠️

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This a bonus chapter/ending because of all the support I've received on this book! Thank you guys so much! ^-^

Please, feel free to request other ships, read my other UnderTale ship books, or wait for my new Nightmare x Killer book, chapter's 1 to 4 coming out today! Maybe more if I receive more support on these things, don't forget to follow me. Thank you, all! Enjoy!

Killer POV

. . .

It was dark.

Everything was cold and dark. A faint voice yelled in the background of a blur. God, my head hurt. I forced my eyes to open, glancing around. We were at the mansion, Horror and Dust were holding drinks in their hands, running around the place, acting like idiots.

Nightmare walked into the room, confused a bit. He approached me, "Killer? Wasn't this on Thursday, last month?" He asks me.

"Thursdayyy??" I asked, snickering a bit, slurring my words. He cocked and eyebrow at me.

"This did happen on Thursday...It was a month later, wasn't it?"

"What??" I question Nighty, confused. "What're you talking about?"

"Oh geez, I can't talk to you when you're like this. Come here." Nighty says, grabbing my head and making me stand up. "Let's go."

He leads me to his room where he made me lay down, "Go to sleep, I'm making the others go to bed, too. Don't question me. This is an order."

"Hm- Oookayy-!" I chime, closing my eyes.


I shot up from Blue's couch. What the hell?!

This- I was here on last month! The day this all started...! The day Error was with that one monster...the first one I killed whenever Yanberry came over-

"Ink? I thought I asked you to cut the veggies?" Blue asks, confused.

"I did..." I say, standing up. I couldn't interfere with the past, if this was the past. "I'll go do that now. I'll get it done!" I tell Blue, walking past him, side-glaring secretly. He didn't notice, only smiles and leaves.

I was into the kitchen, grabbing the first knife I saw. Dream walks into the kitchen. He gives a weird look before saying, "Are you okay? You know that's not a-"

I continue the sentence with him, "-cutting knife, silly?" I muttered, Dream still heard.

"Y-Yeah..." He says, "Anyways, that's a dagger, it's not even the right kind of knife. It's not used for cutting food. It's for self-defense or you know- um...a-anyway, this is the right knife to use." Dream explains, I remember him saying this once before. He handed me the same knife as the first time before leaving the room.

I grabbed the dagger, turning to the skeleton who was now walking away, just as he did that same day. What happened? Almost as if we went back in time-! Why though?

I glanced around quickly.

"Where?" I mutter to myself, "Where?"

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