Chapter 5: M I N E

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I knew it. He found out.

I didn't know if I should be grateful to Yanberry or if I should pay him a visit later.

"Ink..." Ruru called into the Doodle Sphere. "Ink, I know you're here. Come here. Now."

"Alright, alright, Ruru~ You caught me," I say, smiling and coming up from behind him, he flinches at my touch and jumps away from me. "Sorry. I forget. Haphephobia."

"No...I want to talk to you." He says, "It's important."

"Yes, of course, what is it?"

"Ink, do me?" Error asks, choosing his words very carefully.

I smile, "Yes, I do like you. Is there something wrong with that?" I ask him.

"No, there's nothing wrong with that...but...Ink- I- Well, how do I say this?" He mutters the last part of his sentence, although I heard him regardless.

"You can tell me anything, Ruru~!" I chime at him, smiling innocently.

"I- I know you killed them, Ink. Why did you do that?" He asks.

"Because, Ruru. You are M I N E," I aggressively told him, grabbing his scarf, he yelped in surprise and started shaking a bit, he grabbed my arm.

"L-Let go o-of me, Ink..." He pleaded me. Aww, my poor baby. I won't hurt you...

"Do you think I will hurt you?" I ask him.

He stayed quiet, his hands still shaking slightly, his grip tightened.

"I- I don't want you to hurt them." He whispers.

"Aww, I don't mean you hurt them, Ru," I explain to him, "I just need them to stay away from you. I need them to know who you belong to. You are not theirs, Ru! Not theirs to have! Not now and not ever," I say, grabbing his neck now, instead of his scarf.

He gasps in shock, his grip around my arm tightened even more.

"S-Stop! I-Ink! No!" Error was scared of touch, I knew this, but, I had to convince him! I'm sorry, I'll make sure you feel better about this later...but for now, I will not make an exception. "I-Ink please...y-you're scaring me..."

"I'm scaring you?" I ask him. He doesn't answer to that. "I'm sorry, but, I need you to understand me. Listen to me, Error. I need you to listen very well."

". . ."

"Error. I don't want to hurt you," I say.

". . ."

"Error, I want you to listen, you will listen...or else I might have to hurt you. Do you understand me?" I growl, my grip becoming tighter around his neck. He gasped again, wincing in pain.

"O-Ok! Ink! I-I'm listening...I-...I'm listening...!" He says, tears in his eyes.

It made me feel guilty.

"Good. I hate to hurt you, dear, I really do..." I tell him, loosening my grip just a bit, not enough for him to struggle free, but enough so that he wasn't in pain.

"I- I know that, Kiki..." He whispers. "B-But..."

"But?" I ask him.

"B-But why d-did you hurt them?"

"I already told you that," I remind him.

"No- That's not what I meant..." He mutters under his breath, only loud enough for me just to barely hear him.

"Then, what exactly did you mean?" I ask him, using my free hand, I put my hand under his chin, making him look up at me.

"I...A-Are you going to hurt anymore of them?" He asks, his voice fearful of the answer he might receive. "I don't want you to hurt them anymore, Kiki...It- It hurts...they're friends to me, Kiki...I don't want them to be hurt anymore."

I sigh, "I know that must hurt...but I needed to do it, dear..." I tell him, smiling.

"Will you hurt anybody else?" He asks once more, his tears falling down his face. His voice cracked at the end of his sentence.

"Shh, calm down...I won't have to hurt anybody else if you just come with me, now will I?" I ask him, tilting my head a bit.

Error POV

"Shh, I won't have to hurt anybody else if you just come with me, now will I?" Ink asks me, tilting his head a bit.

I was shaking with fear, just a bit. He uses his hand, moving from my chin, to wipe away the tears in my eyes.

"O-Okay...f-fine..." I tell him, letting go of his arm. "If I- U-Um...If I go with y-you, you will leave Fresh and Dream and everyone- I mean, everyone else a-alone?" I ask him, for confirmation.

"Y-Yes! Yes, of course, dear. I will leave everyone else in the whole multiverse alone. As long as you are with me... I swear to you, that I will not hurt anyone else." Ink confirms, crossing over where his soul would be with a small smile. I hesitantly nod.

"A-Alright...t-then...I'm yours," I tell him.

He laughs, "Haha..." A smile across his face. "Haha! I'm so overjoyed Ruru~ Let's go now." He says, I nod.

Everything then went black, a sudden movement from Ink was the last thing I saw.

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now