Chapter 6: L.O.V.E. Can't Compare

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Dust POV

Holy hell...!

Did I really just witness that conversation?

I quickly teleported away, back to Nightmare and Fresh and the others were.

"I know who the killer is..." I tell them.

"What?" Fresh asks. "But, he'll kill you if you tell anyone-"

"He didn't see me, I don't think. The killer is-"

Killer POV

"DUST!" I screamed out, running to him, Nightmare unable to stop me. Horror was at my side in an instant.

"Dust! Can you hear me?!" Horror panicked. "Dust!"

"I...I can" Dust whispered, grabbing onto us both, pulling us into a hug.

"Dust! No..." I muttered, wrapping my arms around him. "What's your HP?" I ask him. "You- You aren't planning on dying on us..."

"I don't know...check..." Dust tells me. I nod, letting go of him.

I quickly used my ability to check...

Dust Sans

HP: 11 / 200 || Attack: 50 || Defense: 8

With one single glance at his HP, I was in shock. It turned to a deep frown as I closed the status. "His HP is dropping. It was two-hundred but that wound isn't helping. He's at eleven for now. We have to hurry if we want to save him-"

"Not. So. Fast."

"What-" I looked up.

Nightmare POV

"Hah...Wow. I have good aim, huh?" Ink asked, holding another knife in the opposite hand. "I promised Ruru I wouldn't hurt anybody else...until we got home together. Of course, if you can run for thirty minutes, I'll spare you, otherwise, you're...well...dead." Ink laughs.

"DUST!" Killer screams, struggling free from my tight grip on his wrists towards Dust with Horror at his side. 

Horror, Dust, and Killer had always been close. They were the famous, Murder Trio after all. I frowned a bit. Hold on a little longer Dust. Just hold on.

"So,YOU are this famous killer?" I ask, purely shocked. "All for your Error? We haven't done anything to him," I remind Ink. Not out of fear, but I don't wish to cause a ruckus or a fight.

"I know you haven't. I just feel like going on a killing spree. Hey! Why not break you first?!" Ink laughs. Dream and Blue both flinched a bit.

"Ink, don't do this!" Dream warns his so-called-friend. Ink frowns a bit.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone...But, Error forced my hand...How was I supposed to know? What kind of trouble am I in, Dream?" Ink asks. Dream frowns a bit, his soft side kicking in.

"HE'S A KILLER NOW DREAM! FIGHT HIM! YOU'RE LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!" I shout at him. Dream shakes his head, clearing his thoughts and nods to me.

"Right! Ink! We will stop you!"

"Of course you will try...but, you will fail. Come at me however you like, though! We get to have thirty minutes of fun~!" Ink chirps, jumping up and down in joy. "I'll break you, Nightmare. I'll burn everything you ever loved to the ground. Starting now." Ink tells me, his voice flat and dead. Ink teleported...

. . .

Right in front of-

. . .

"KILLER!" I screamed out, my voice cracking as Killer looked up at Ink, who swung down at him.

I teleported to Ink, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him into a wall, where Blue and Dream proceeded to attack him with the other stars at their side, covering each other.

The immortal ones moved forward, closer to the former protector of AUs.

"Killer!" I call, grabbing him as he fell backward. "Killer, shit, are you alright?" I ask him. He grabs my hand.

"I'm alright, Boss...I t-think- H-Help Dust-" He tells me, a urging tone to his voice.

Damn it...

"Okay, okay, but don't you dare die on me, idiot!" I tell him, "That-" I grit my teeth, "That's an order!" I shout at him, he smiled and nodded a bit, I turned my attention to Dust.

"He has four HP, Boss...what're we going to do?" Horror asks, he was scared...and nothing scared Horror. I knew Dust would be scared. He was always scared of death, that's why he always fought to be stronger than everyone else. To never die again.

I glanced back at Killer, who gave me a thumbs-up. I turned to Dust.

"We have to heal him," I tell Horror. "DREAM!" I shout.

Dream teleported to my side, shooting one more arrow at Ink, it hit the emotionless freak in his shoulder, he cried out in pain.

"Yes, brother?" Dream asks, turning to see Dust and Killer. "Oh gosh. Move. Let me heal them!" Dream urges us. Horror and I jump out of the way, letting Dream do his own thing.

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now