Chapter 9: The End, For Good!

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Killer POV

Nightmare blinded me, at first, I was terrified, I could hear everything. The clash of the brush against a dagger. Nightmare's slight tapping of his foot. Horror's sneeze. But, not seeing scared me. I clawed at the blindfold, Nightmare grabbed my hands.

"Killer...Calm down...try it, please." Nightmare's voice was quiet and soft, trusting. I nodded a bit. I could do this.

I took a deep breath, releasing the blindfold, and trying once more. Trust yourself. I started walking off.

"Holy-" Nightmare cuts himself off. I kept walking, soon, I was starting to 'see' things. I understood what Dagger meant! He CAN see! I can see! Sorta- But, I can see! I smiled, running back to Nightmare.

"D-Did it work?" He asks me. I nod.

"Kinda," I tell him. There was a loud thud and a scream from Dagger.

"DAGGER!" I shout, turning towards him. I could see his outline, soon I could see him, he was in black and grey though. No color. I ran towards him.

"Killer!" Nightmare warned.

I kept running to Dagger and Ink.

"Let him go!" I tell Ink, who yanked Dagger's knife from his own arm. Dagger gripped his arm. I turned to Ink, who didn't drop the knife, rather he ran at me. I dodged to the ground, getting low to the ground as he swung down at me. I rolled to the side.

How can we stop this? How can we kill him or convince him not to do anything like this?

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