Prologue: The Black Room

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Error POV 

I don't remember much of what happened. I remember Ink and I got into a fight. What was it about again? Why was everything so...fuzzy? I looked around the blurry room. Everything seemed to spin. My head hurt so badly...Why couldn't I remember what happened. 

"Squid...?" I asked, my voice was far to quiet to be heard by anyone in the large room. Unless they stood right next to me. Where was he? 

"'re alright." Ink said, his voice reassuring. 

"Where are we?" I asked him, or at least attempted to, my voice broke off mid-sentence. Everything was just too much. I was so dizzy. I just wanted to go back to sleep...

"You're ok, Ruru, I've got you. Nobody can hurt you now. We're safe." 

"Safe?" I ask, his voice had a touch of something I couldn't place...was it...aggressive? No...maybe it was protective? I couldn't think straight. All my thoughts were blurred and mixed together causing my pure confusion. I didn't understand.

"Safely locked away. I promise. Just sleep. You're head must be hurting."

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened. I just had to take care of someone." He says, his voice slightly hostile that time. I flinched a bit as his arms wrapped around me in a hug. "Shh..." He whispered, my vision blurred once more and I blacked out...

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now