Chapter 10: It's...Over?

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I swung down at Killer, he dodged, despite the blindfold. If I have alternative universes coming after me, I must be a true criminal~ Aww, no worries. They won't get to Error. Not in time, at least. I smiled, my time was up.

"Well, you're fun to play with but I've got to go," I tell them all.

"What? You can't just-" Dagger starts but I silence him rather quickly with another stab to his shoulder. He silently hisses in pain. I scoff and drop him, throwing a knife in Killer's direction. Killer perked up, barely managing to move, it would've hit his soul, shattering it, but, he protected himself, I got his arm, though. He yelps in pain, backing away. I smiled and teleport away from the group.

I was quick to teleport behind Error, he shoots around just as I swung down.

"Error!" Nightmare calls, turning to me, the classic murder trio were on guard, ready to attack. BloodLust Murder Trio were too focused on their Killer aka Dagger.

I hit Error and teleported him away.

I stared at the group, who stood mostly in anger or shock...or pain.

I waved one more goodbye...this time it would be the last time.

I teleported to the big castle, everything went as planned. This AU, I had made it a while ago. It was fully formed and done. A perfect AU filled with others who didn't know the truth of me. They weren't my friends, who needed friends, anyway?

Blue and Dream were too naive to be true friends. They would always be too naive to be true friends. I smiled as I walked along the long hallways, everything had been done flawlessly, although the fight could've been avoided altogether. It was fun to play with those I called friends though! They're so fun to hurt!

I laughed to myself a bit, a smile clear on my face still as I roamed the halls, walking fast down each one, but, admiring each painting that was hung up, each detail on the furniture and in the curtains. I loved details...

I finally reached the correct hallway. I reached the hallway where I had walked a million times before. I walked slowly down this hallway, all the way to the end of the seemingly endless hall and I stopped at the end, turning to my left.

A hand-carved door was slightly open, just barely. I walked up to it, pushing it open and peeked inside. Error laid, passed out. I smiled brightly, walking over to him, and sitting beside him. I'm careful not to disturb him, to not wake him.

Killer POV

I was helpless, Ink now has Error. What are we going to do?

"We can't do anything..." Dagger mutters. "He still has Error in our AU."

"What? How does this affect our AU?" I question him.

He sighs, "Every other AU has followed in our AU's steps. Our AU was first to witness Ink becoming a yandere. If we'd just been a little sooner. We better get back home...Blood, let's go." Dagger informs us, turning to the eighteen year old. He nods and follows behind Dagger.

"Hey! One more question...Who's Blood?" I ask.

"Blood?" Dagger responds.

"Yeah, he's not an AU of classic, I can tell. He's not an AU of any of the classic's..."

"'re right." Dagger says.

"Then who...?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that. Let's go, Blood."

"I'm coming, Dad..." Blood mutters, walking close behind Dagger. I was a little shocked to say the least. Did he just call him 'Dad'!?

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now