Ending 3: The Blame

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Error POV

"I'm glad you're okay..." Killer says, smiling.

"I'm glad-" I was cut off, Ink was behind Nightmare. "Nightmare-!" I shout.

Ink stabbed Nightmare with positivity, Nightmare fell to the ground, gasping. Ink kept stabbing him. Nightmare fell to his knees, slowly healing, Ink then grabs Killer, stabbing him.

I froze up.


"You ever run away again and I'll kill them all." He drops Killer. Nightmare finished healing himself and runs to Killer.

"How are you alive, though...?" I ask Ink.

Ink smiles, "You didn't hit me, I ducked under the bed. I knew you weren't tired. I know you too well, Error. You can't run away from me!" Ink shouts, laughing, grabbing me by the wrist. "I kind of want you to run away so I can kill them all."

"I won't let you," I tell him, "Let's go."

Ink smiles and we teleport back to the castle. "The dust, though?" I ask him.

"Just some fake dust- Haha...I can't believe you didn't check under the bed."

I will never try to escape again.

Ink will kill my family and friends if I do...

I can never get away.

There's no point in trying...

What was I even thinking?

I'm so stupid, putting their lives in danger.

I should've known better than to do that.

I'm now stuck in an endless loop of blaming myself.

I'm so sorry.

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now