⚠️ Chapter 3: Take it as a Threat or a Warning ⚠️

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- Mild Swearing 

- Gore // Descriptive Violence 

- Smoking // Drug References

Fresh POV 

Man, Ink was taking his precious time, huh? What was he even doing? He told me to stay here and make sure that Error wasn't coming here and if he did, tell Ink, as soon as possible. He didn't bother telling me why. It was...confusing to say the least. I didn't bother asking, either, so, that could be a factor, too. 

I sighed in pure boredom, pulling out a small little package of cigarettes from my pocket and a small lighter.

"Dang, when's he gon' be back?" I slurred my words on purpose, looking around the Doodle Sphere. Error was supposed to be here. Guess he decided not to come.

I put the cigarette in my mouth and sat down. I'd probably be here for a while anyways. No need to stand around and stare off into nothingness. 

I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking of what Ink could possibly be doing during such a time. I mean, didn't Trick just go missing...? Why isn't Ink out looking for him? I'm sure Error would like that more than Ink running off.

Not that Ink bothered to be extra to Error...well, at least I wasn't sure yet, if he was. I think Ink like's the destroyer, to be totally honest.

"HEY!" I heard a shout. I snapped my eyes open, looking up at the figure. It was Error. "Are you even listening, you stupid 90's freak!?"

I pull the cigarette from my mouth, "Yup, I am now. Why're ya here?" I ask him. 

"...Y-You smoke?" He asks, taking a step back, he probably didn't like the smell. 

"You couldn't tell from the scent on my clothes?" I counter. Error shakes his head. 

"No, it's not really there on your clothes. Why do you smoke?" He asks. Good, keep him distracted until Ink comes back...come on, Ink. Hurry up. 

"I...It's a personal...thing," I admit, looking down for a moment. Error sat down in front of me. 

"A personal thing?"

"Yeah. What does it all up and matter to ya, brah?" I ask, using a thick slang within my words, to try and catch him off-guard. It didn't work. He just gave me a weird look, almost sympathetic...almost.

"I know you don't have to do that slang, can we not just talk? Tell me why you smoke." 

I do not answer him.

There was a long silent pause.

Then he said, "I won't tell anyone, Fresh. Why do you smoke?" He repeats his question after the reassuring words. I sigh in defeat. 

"I dunno, pressure? A lot of things, I guess," I say. "Mainly because I'm the one who has to keep secrets, and it's expected of me to be this bright happy person, huh? Not to mention my own friend Dec's is gon' dust-" I cut myself off quickly, snapping my mouth shut, refusing to talk any more. I had already said too much. 

"MINE" (Yandere Ink x Error)Where stories live. Discover now