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(Y/n) Shirogane

Mumbling the printed out words to myself, all of my focus was towards the thick book that was grasped in my small hands. My mind was filling with the knowledge of the past space exploration that barely made it past the planet Mars and to Herse, one of 79 moons of Jupiter.

It was accidental, landing on the natural satellite, but if the moon were to have been in any other position, it was highly probable that the astronauts aboard the Phade G8C, a space vessel named after the famed Astro Explorer, Gregory U. Phade, would have perished from lack of oxygen and provisions. Or even from the strong gravitational pull from Jupiter that would have pulled the Phade G8C through a storm of debris that would have destroyed the vessel before making it collide with the planet's core. The natural satellite of Jupiter, Herse, caused the astronauts aboard the Phade G8C to not only survive their expedition but also discov–

"(Y/n)," I heard my brother call. "Come on, we should head home."

From around the bookshelves, I saw Takashi smile at me, multiple books under his arm. He stood, waiting for me. I quickly closed the book that was in my hands and jumped out of the chair that I was sitting in.

With all of my force, I slid the book off of the table and caught it in my weak little arms. I staggered over to my brother, heavy book in between my arms and pressed against my chest, causing me to stumble a bit.

I heard Takashi lightly chuckle before grabbing the book from my arms and putting it under his own. When he had all of his books secured in his grasp, he held his hand out to me, which I swiftly took with mine, and he led the two of us to the librarian's desk.

"Hello, Ms. Hubert, how are you?" Takashi asked the sweet, middle-aged woman at the desk.

"Oh, hello, Shiro. I'm fine, thank you," Ms. Hubert smiled. "Another full day of studying?"

Takashi nodded, "I would like to borrow all of these, thank you."

Takashi lightly set all of the books onto the librarian's desk. Ms. Hubert gently picked up all of the books and quickly scanned them before giving them back to my brother.

"Is your class reviewing The Exceptional Discoveries of 2188?" Ms. Hubert asked. "I thought you read that last year?"

"Huh? Oh, no, that book is for my sister," Takashi explained.

Ms. Hubert leaned forward to look over the edge of her desk in order to spot me.

She smiled at me, "Ah, I see. Studying with your brother again, (Y/n)?"

I smiled back up at her and nodded, "Takashi said that I can enroll at the Galaxy Garrison if I work hard, just like he does..!"

Ms. Hubert smiled at me a bit more before turning to my brother.

"She's a spitting image of you, Shiro," she said.

Takashi awkwardly smiled, "Well, intelligence wise, I suppose. I'm just amazed at how much she looks up to me..."

"Hm, she's got a great role model."

Takashi nodded, "Thank you."

Takashi gathered his books before lightly tugging on my arm to lead me towards the exit of the library. But before we left, I looked back at Ms. Hubert and gave a small wave. Ms. Hubert waved back just as the doors to the library closed behind us. Takashi, still holding my hand, walked with me to our car.

He set his books on the passenger seat before opening the back door for me to climb in. I got settled in the middle seat, buckled up, and waited as Takashi got set in the driver's seat. With classical music playing throughout the ride, Takashi drove us home to the Galaxy Garrison where we shared a large dorm room inside of the school/military base. As soon as the door to our room opened, I rushed over to the dining room table and held my hands out to Takashi.

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