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(Y/n) Shirogane

After gifting me and Keith with low-ground one-person hovercraft-bicycle hybrids, Takashi seemed to become even more secretive about his illness, especially around Keith. He wouldn't discuss any further information with me, any progress or development about his condition or medicine; I was completely in the dark.

I felt a bit betrayed by Takashi, but I understand that he doesn't want to talk about it, especially if we're spending quality time together, just the two of us or when we're with Keith.

But Keith certainly wasn't one to ignore the little things about us. I could tell that he knew something was up, but he still wasn't absolutely sure, because he would have confronted one of us by now. I was hoping that it wouldn't have to come to that because Takashi would tell him before he became too suspicious, but I don't know if Takashi will do that.

I hate keeping secrets from Keith, and I know Takashi does too, but if Takashi really thinks it's right, then I can't go against that.


Sitting in the pilot's seat, my full focus was on the screen in front of me that presented a view of many large deep-red-colored rocks and canyons that acted as obstacles. Using the controls in front of me, I maneuvered through the rocks and soared along the canyon ridges.

"Closing in on the crash sight of Erandis 56 located on Sector One of Oberon, currently set in the front of Uranus on its orbital curve," I announced to my crew. "Sanford, I'm going to need exact coordinates of the vessel and where it is located according to the general surface-level measurements of the natural satellite."

"10-4," Olympia responded.

"Shirogane, documents of Erandis 56 report that the space vessel's orbital maneuvering systems are not operational and are unable to be repaired," Mauro explained. "A landing will be mandatory in order to rescue the crew. I will begin to lower our first-stage landing gear–"

"Wait, the Erandis is currently 212 degrees below the initial surface-level of Oberon," said Olympia. "A regulatory rescue is almost impossible."

I quickly thought over our circumstances, "We're going through with the rescue, but it won't be regulatory; it may be a bit radical. Sanford, get into contact with the Erandis 56 and inform them of our rank and position. Elwes, retract main wings into the secondary status and tilt all elevons by 19 degrees."

"Yes, Captain," the two called together.

"Attention space vessel Erandis 56, Rescue/Military grade Garrison spacecraft Bravo-Papa-Quebec-Zero-Three-Dash-Lima," Olympia alerted. "Coming in for rescue landing and crew boarding. Please expect to quickly exit the vessel in approximately eight minutes. Landing of the Garrison spacecraft will begin."

"Captain, wings and elevons are positioned as requested, but the extremely low temperatures of the negative surface-levels of Oberon may be too much for the vessel," Mauro described. "Freezing of the spacecraft could cause damages to the engines and fuselages which could get us stranded alongside the Erandis."

Ugh... Expenditure of heat at this moment would be too much on the vessel but the lives of the crew are on the line here...

"We will continue with the rescue," I repeated. "Prepare to land sooner than expected. Activate fourth-stage landing gear and report adjusted inferences to the Erandis crew."

"New information is being developed," Olympia explained to the crew as she typed away at her station. "Expect to now exit the vessel in approximately 90 seconds. Boarding will begin immediately; all those who are not aboard the Garrison spacecraft Bravo-Papa-Quebec-Zero-Three-Dash-Lima within two minutes of landing will be left behind. I repeat–"

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