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(Y/n) Shirogane

A month has passed since the tragic news of the Kerberos Mission was reported and spread through the Garrison. For the first week or so, everyone was quiet. No one wanted to say anything, no one knew what to say.

The silence felt appropriate, but at the same time, I just wished someone would say... something. Just to let things go on normally, so I could pretend that nothing happened. But even then, I wouldn't be able to do that.

I felt as if there was no coming back from losing Takashi. I knew there was, I knew that I could get through this. But all I could believe was that it was impossible.

Takashi would want me to keep going... He would want me to just... stay strong...

I really do try to get back to where I was before the news had hit; where I was mentally and physically. But it's hard. My brother– my family– was gone.

No matter how much I wanted to close my eyes and pretend that nothing had happened, that it was all some nightmare, I knew I couldn't. I knew that I had to keep going... for Takashi.


"Hey, (Y/n), it's time to get up..." Mari lightly shook me awake.

I groaned before slowly rising from under my bed's covers and stretching my arms over my head. I glanced around the room and noticed how Marianna and Lynette were both already dressed up for the school day and waiting for me. I frowned to myself before getting out from the comfortable cocoon that was my bed and blankets.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting... again," I sighed as I walked up to my dresser.

I pulled out a simple white shirt with the Galaxy Garrison uniform of an orange cadet jacket, gray pants, and black boots.

"You're not, don't worry about it," Mari reassured.

I look at my two roommates and they both sent me a small smile before they turned around to let me change in privacy. I quickly slipped off my pajamas before putting on my usual Garrison attire. I softly cleared my throat to let my roommates know that I was done and they turned back around.

"Are you ready to go?" Lyn asked.

I nodded my head as I tossed my pajamas onto my bed to put on later before following my roommates through the familiar hallways in the Garrison and towards the cafeteria for breakfast.

I felt as if I was walking at a normal pace, but I knew that I was dragging my feet because my roommates had to keep stopping and waiting for me to catch up. But when we finally got to the cafeteria, my roommates pointed toward a table that held our other two friends.

"There's Lance and Hunk," Lyn pointed. "Why don't you go sit with them while we prep you a tray..."

I slowly nod before beginning to make my way towards the duo as they ate their breakfast. When they spotted me, they smiled and made a spot for me to sit at the table. I slowly walked up to the table and took a seat next to Lance.

"Good morning, (Y/n)," Hunk smiled from across the table.

"Morning," I replied.

"How are you?" he asked.

I didn't answer, I simply looked away. I didn't want to appear like I was ignoring him, but I just didn't know what to say. And an awkward silence fell on us before Mari and Lyn returned with three cafeteria trays full of breakfast. They placed one in front of me, and I picked up the fork that accompanied it, but my appetite was completely gone.

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