Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: The Castle of Lions

(Y/n) Shirogane

"Okay, I admit it," said Lance. "This is super freaky."

After Hunk was able to build his 'Voltron Geiger counter,' we all set out towards the canyon with all of the outcroppings of boulders and caves that Keith had described. We all stopped for a moment and waited for Hunk's machine to give him another reading while the rest of us stared at the eerie visual of an empty desert canyon.

"I'm getting a reading," Hunk announced.

Staring at the small machine in his hand, Hunk led the way for all of us as he slowly walked through the rock walls of the canyon. The beeping of the machine intensified as the six of us came up on a cave. Together, we cautiously entered the cave and immediately noticed the lion carvings that decorated every inch of the walls.

"What are these?" Shiro questioned.

"It's the lion carvings Keith was talking about," I explained.

"They're everywhere around here," Keith added.

As we all stared at the carvings, Lance walked up to the wall and brushed his hand along one of the carvings. Suddenly, all of the carvings grew a bright blue and illuminated the cave.


"They've never done that before."

From under us, the ground lit up the same bright blue as the carvings before crumbling under us. All of us fell and began to slide down a vertical river of water. At the end of the river, we all fell into a small pool of water that was located deeper within the cave.

"...They are everywhere," Lance gasped.

Curious about his statement, I sat up in the water and moved my wet hair out of my face to see a giant robotic blue lion that was encompassed in a geometric sphere.

Completely in awe about the mechanical lion in front of us, I glance to the side to see that Keith was just as in shock as I was. Everyone stood up together to stare at the lion.

"Is this it?" Pidge asked. "Is this the Voltron?"

"It... must be," said Shiro.

"This is what's been causing all of this crazy energy out here," Keith said before walking up to the lion. "Looks like there's a force field around it."

Following Keith, the rest of us began to approach the lion.

"Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them?" Lance asked as he walked side-to-side.

"Mm, no."

"Yeah. The eyes are totally following me," Lance insisted.

I stared up at the face of the lion and took in its stoic appearance.

Meanwhile, Keith placed his hands on the force field, "I wonder how we get through this."

"Maybe you just have to knock," Lance suggested before knocking on the force field.

As a response, the force field dissipated as the yellow eyes of the lions began to glow. From under the lion, a blue pattern grew a bright blue as a strong wind emitted from the lion. But as all of this was happening, a vision flashed before my eyes:

Six lions, all alike the blue lion in front of us, flew in a synchronized pattern before coming together to form a large robotic man wielding a flaming sword.

"Whoa..." everyone said together.

"Uh, did everyone just see that?" Lance asked.

"Um... you mean the visual of a group of robotic lions forming a giant robotic man with wings and a sword?" I asked before giving a nervous and slightly excited chuckle. "Yeah, I saw that..."

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