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February 29, 2288 - Takashi 'Shiro' Shirogane is born.

October 23, 2295 - Keith Kogane is born.

(Month) (Day), 2296 - (Y/n) Shirogane is born.

Year of 2298 - Shiro's and (Y/n)'s parents die.

Summer of 2302 - Shiro enters the Galaxy Garrison.

Year of 2304 - Keith's father dies.

2305/2306 - Shiro goes on an expedition into space and becomes a known hero.

Year of 2308 - Shiro and (Y/n) meet Keith at his middle school.

Summer of 2309 - (Y/n) and Keith enroll at the Garrison.

Year of 2310 - (Y/n)'s and Keith's second year at the Garrison, Shiro and his friend Adam begin dating.

Year of 2311 - (Y/n)'s and Keith's third year at the Garrison, Shiro's muscle illness is diagnosed, the Kerberos mission is discussed.

Year of 2312 - (Y/n) and Keith's fourth year at the Garrison, (Y/n) meets the Holt family.

Year of 2313–

April - Kerberos mission launches, Keith is expelled from the Garrison.

June - Shiro reaches Kerberos.

September - news reaches Earth that the Kerberos mission failed.

November - Katie Holt transfers into the Garrison under the name 'Pidge Gunderson.'

May 12, 2314 - Shiro returns to Earth, group gathers together, Blue Lion is found.

(Major thanks to lionsandpilotsandbots.com for creating a thorough explanation of the beginning date of the first episode of Voltron: Legendary Defender which helped me to set up this timeline!)

I - Years 2304 and 2308

II - Year 2309

III - Year 2311

IV - Year 2311

V - Year 2312 to early 2313

VI - Year 2313

VII - Year late 2313 to mid-2314

Chapters 1 to 39 - Year 2314

Chapters 40 to 60 - Year 2315

*this timeline is not necessary from a reader's viewpoint and these dates are not important to the story other than for organization; don't feel the need to memorize anything here

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