am i a cool kid now, guys?

96 7 56

"JustAKidWithStories tagged a thing and it created a chain reaction!"

I can't read that because it's too blurry so I'm relying on Justa's thing

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I can't read that because it's too blurry so I'm relying on Justa's thing.

Crush :

None currently, like 5 days ago I did have a crush but they got into a relationship before I could confess so yeah. I got none.

Last Name : 

F, starts with an F. Gotta gain relationship points with the stray dog wearing a tuxedo outside your door to find out the rest of the letters.

Shoe Size :

idk, I have flat feet (look it up) and usually, if I can fit in a shoe depends on how it was made and stuff. (I once got stuck with black Jojo Siwa shoes because of the struggle to find something that fits.)

I'm sure I have a common shoe size range, a range of what seems to fit me, but my mom just keeps track of that and I just go with the flow and not pay attention. 

Eye color :

Very dark brown, looks black until you shine light on them or look very closely. 

According to Google, I apparently have unique and rare "black until light is shined on them" eyes but idk. The chances are low.

Last Time I Cried :

Yesterday night.

Biggest Fear :

yo let's not talk about that

Last Song You Listened To? :

Last Person You Texted? :

A Discord friend.

Relationship Status : 

*sigh* s i n g l e

Fav Sport Team :

i dont like sports 

Favorite Color :

Black and Red.

Fav Celebrity : 

I dont have one, now if you said favorite youtuber it'd be KneeCaps.

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