Happy Birthday Kitsune?!?!?!?!

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me : oh god today is supposedly my friend's birthday and I didn't remember so now I have nothing prepared to give. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IT'S HAPPENED. 

oh crap i need to draw something but I like, really don't want to draw anything. I have art-block.

Discord Friend : okay just pull up MSpaint and just let your hands do things.

me : okay yeah that'll do. My art instincts will surely take over and make something good without the motivation needed!

I should have just played the digital piano again but then that'll be the same gift and I don't wanna recycle gifts and hhrhrhajdsakdkdjfjfjs

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I should have just played the digital piano again but then that'll be the same gift and I don't wanna recycle gifts and hhrhrhajdsakdkdjfjfjs.

okay on birthdays, let's make it clear. I'll always be the one to give the crappy and low effort gifts in this friend group-

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