Example for participants

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Since we're doing this art challenge I decided I wanted to be nice and give some of my recent drawing of animals incase anyone wants to draw an animal in my style. ((You guys don't need to show recent drawings too, I'm just doing this because I can.))

By animal I mean just a cat because I've only drawn a cat recently and no other animals.

Also took these from the Flipaclip app because I wanted to be quick and not need to convert some Flipaclip stuff from my tablet to my computer.

Also took these from the Flipaclip app because I wanted to be quick and not need to convert some Flipaclip stuff from my tablet to my computer

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((This one is unfinished if you can't tell but I figured I should include it anyway.))

Yes these images are for map parts if you're wondering

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Yes these images are for map parts if you're wondering.

Edit : realized I should include face examples.

Edit : realized I should include face examples

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DogInATuxedo's Art Book Because She Suddenly Want To Share Her Art HereWhere stories live. Discover now