Meet Phantom, He's the Bad Guy.

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aha. I drew one of my LN OCs. Now I'll admit this right now. He's kinda a mary sue/garty stu (If not, IS a mary sue/garty stu) but I'd never use them in a Roleplay or Wattpad Story so I think it's fine to make him like that.

 He's kinda a mary sue/garty stu (If not, IS a mary sue/garty stu) but I'd never use them in a Roleplay or Wattpad Story so I think it's fine to make him like that

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(Necklace charm is a gem-shaped heart and the centerpiece on the harness is also a gem heart. All the other stuff on there are also gems.)

(and no he's not wearing a collar but a Choker Necklace which suspiciously looks like a collar.)

I wanted to give this dude makeup like The Pretender but then I realized I didn't know how to draw makeup ;)

And yes he's wearing a child harness. He's way too old for it as he's 13, nearly 14 years old but he's wearing it anyway to look good. 

((His child harness is one where it's hook is one where you can attach a leash to it so it's possible somebody can just sneak up on him and attach a leash to him.))

And if you're wondering, Phantom is a villain and this is what I chose as his theme song since I believe it fits him a lot. (And this is why I titled this chapter as I did)

Backstory : (This is pretty long so I'll put a tdlr at the end.)

Phantom came from a very rich household, his family would give him anything he wanted and his family always wanted him to look fabulous, thus all the jewelry and expensive stuff he wears.

And he loved every second of it. 

He was not acting like a spoiled brat surprisingly. But instead kept all the flexing of his richness subtle and gave himself a good personality. In school he quickly gained the position of the most popular kid, achieving this by being very charismatic and cunning.

Eventually, Phantom was sold to The Maw by his own family as The Lady put up a very good offer of lots of money for him. 

He was set to be killed a day and a half after he was caught since they were supposed to impress a certain person coming to The Maw with their food in that time span and they wanted to serve them the top quality food. (Thus, why they bought a rich kid in the first place.)

However, Phantom managed to escape his cage after a few hours of arriving to The Maw. 

Phantom had no skills in survival- he doesn't even know how to fight, track things, start a fire, etc. So he had to do what he does best- Be cunning and charismatic which saved him. 

The majority of escaped children in The Maw quickly grew a liking to Phantom due to his appealing nature (, well at least to them). The children in The Maw would bring him food and water daily, tend to his wounds if he ever got any, bringing gifts (most of the time they're gifts from The Lady's quarters. They risked their lives for the gifts.) basically making him as pamper as he was in his original home. As you might expect, he gained many fans after becoming so popular in The Maw.

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