citrine's oc challenge

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oh my I'm sleep deprived when uploading this so excuse my spelling mistakes. It didn't help that I was listening to calm music while finishing the drawing-

 It didn't help that I was listening to calm music while finishing the drawing-

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Took one day to draw, I started it today and finished it today. Or well, its 1 AM now so two days? Whatever.

Here were my inputs incase anyone is wondering :

Unsure (female- there's far too many favorites of mine to simply just pick one)

Lantern (female)

Unnatural eyes (April)

Curly ginger hair (Black Hair)

Coat (black eyes but according to science they're still brown, just really dark.)

Key (Dog)

Freckles (uhm, look I used to have a turtle when I was like 5 or 6 years old. It was an exotic turtle from the wild the size of your foot, completely tame and friendly. My parents surprised me with it, cage ready and everything. I told my parents to give it away because I didn't want a turtle but oh my god I was so stupid, I should've kept it. It'd be so cool to have a tamed wild-exotic turtle. Sure it's only the size of your foot BUT IT WAS A FREAKING WILD TURTLE, THAT WAS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OFFER AND I TURNED IT DOWN. I COULD'VE FLEXED ON PEOPLE SO HARD WITH THAT TURTLE-)

(oh that turned into a tiny turtle rant, uhm. I also really wanted to give her freckles so I used that one time I had a turtle to use the freckle card.)

Others (I didn't use this, I just drew it because of the misspell. As I stated in the drawing itself, its an unofficial item she has.)

For the name, I picked City which means colors which means Xanadu is a real color. Look it up, it's a shade of green.

Now would I ever use this OC for anything? Half of my brain says "yesss her design is so good and she has so much potential." while the other says "ew no she's technically a self-insert because she was made off of my traits and I hate writing self-inserts."

Also you may be wondering where the scar is since I do own a guinea pig. Well **tosses my Guinea Pig, Neko, into the void** never had a guinea pig. What are you talking about?

(I couldn't draw a scar on her properly- I hated how every scar turned out so I just decided to throw neko into the void, sorry bby.)

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