Werewolf girl six thing (Fan-Art)

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So I was reading an archive LN fanfiction. More specifically the Severed Strings series by NightLightDragon.

somebody commented "I hope somebody draws fan-art of this with werewolf six having her ears and tail out" or something along those lines

and the author replied with "it would genuinely surprise me cause I don't think I'm a good enough writer to get fanart."

my peabrain took this as a challenge so I began aggressively drawing this fan-art.


"Wait? DogInATuxedo actually marked her own work?" yep

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"Wait? DogInATuxedo actually marked her own work?" yep. I was proud enough of the sitting pose I did that I actually decided to write my name down. 

I don't like the eyes too much but this was the best I could draw it.

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