Random Scene Challenge

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((This should've been published a really long time ago (like 3 months ago or something) but i procrastinated drawing this then when i finished drawing all the pictures I FOR SOME REASON PROCRASTINATED PUBLISHING IT? I really don't got a good excuse.))

(There's lots of talking and explanation here incase somebody who comes across this would like to attempt it... I also just really like talking and sharing my thoughts on things. I kinda feel like I went on a little too long for some thing but I'm not fixing it because whatever, you can always skip it.)

Okay so I'm attempting something called the Random Scene Challenge, originally named the "Warriors Book Scene Challenge" (challenge created by CrystalColors on YT) since you're supposed to be using this challenge for a book series called Warrior Cats.

but y'know, I saw this challenge and decided I wanted to do it but with fanfiction.

So how this challenge works is you take a book or multiple books and you randomly pick out a page from the book blindly- without knowing what you're going to get. Then you'll have to draw whatever scene you get.

You're supposed to be doing this with an actual physical book but since this is fanfiction we're gonna have to do it the ☆ digital version ☆.

random number choosers. I assign a different number to each book I choose and then use google's number randomizer to choose.

Once I select a book I also select a chapter using the number randomizer as well.

And since this is fanfiction, and it's full of chapters and not pages I'm gonna need a way to pick out a scene blindly. Well, thankfully I've thought of something.

Once I choose a chapter I violently scroll up and down with my eyes closed then I randomly stop and open my eyes to see what scene I get.

Here are the fanfictions I'm choosing to spin for.

1. Rat In The Raincoat Series by Degal_Heartfang

2. Hunter's Blood by KimberlyTorrejon

3. She's Gone (REMASTERED) by Gio331

4. Shadows Of Fate by Lazy_Artist13

5. Nightmares Turned Reality by CindyVonOtaku

6. HUNGER by Small_Little_Writers on Archive Of Our Own

7. One And The Same by imbadatlove on Archive Of Our Own

8. Very Little Shadows by LunaTheKittenKiller

9. Chains Of Death by KitsuneFox

I've written everything before I spun, so now I'm going to spin and see that I get.

First is HUNGER. Pretty excited for this one because there's a scene in here I really wanna draw, just hope I get it in the chapter spin.

Second is She's Gone (REMASTERED). I know gio is probably giggling behind the screen from this spin.

Third is Hunter's Blood All I hope is I get a werewolf.

And last but not least is....

NIGHTMARES TURNED REALITY BY CINDYVONOTAKU. Like HUNGER, there is a scene I really wanna draw in here but knowing how long this book is and the fact I need to blind scroll it's very very unlikely I'm gonna get the scene I want.

Now. For the chapter spins.

FOR HUNGER I GOT FREAKING CHAPTER 2, EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DRAW IS IN THIS CHAPTER. Now I just need to hope and pray that it lands on the right scene-

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