Art Contest Entry

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My online school is hosting a contest where the winner gets their drawing turned into a real-life plushie you can keep in real life. I was so proud of my entry I wanted to show it off.

I was at first gonna enter my drawing of Twenty-Three so if I got a plushie I could give it to Cindy as a Christmas gift or something until I realize that's impossible because I don't even know her off the internet.

((and yes when it's Christmas I actually do try to give all my friends something. 99% of the time it's a drawing tho.))

So then I decided to enter a drawing of Mono because I need some Mono Merch, even if it's school-bootleg. 


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My school is doing 2 winners for each school category.

I'm in the 13-18 years old category, all the older kids are making some freaking No Game No Life skilled art and I'm gonna get absolutely trashed but I'm trying anyway. 

If you guys care enough, I'll tell you if I won a plushie or not. 

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