LN Emotions AU

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ah, I realized now that this book is gonna be filled up with mostly warrior cats and little nightmares- little nightmares being more than WC tho. 


Finally decided to sign my art--

Emotions AU :

Hopefully I can explain this AU good enough.

Every LN Child's look depends on their Personality.

For example, Six in this AU is a Negative person so she's gonna be Red.

There looks are usually in their cloths. They cannot change the colors of their cloths. Even if they put new cloths on.

Let's say Six puts on a blue shirt, that shirt will turn red as soon as she puts it on. It may have a different pattern then the last shirt, but it'll be Red.

And they also have Special Abilities.

Okay, that was a crap explanation. But here's some pictures I made of this AU, I'll explain some more stuff after you scroll through them all.

anyway the AU-

anyway the AU-

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(Drawn in FlipAClip)

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(Drawn in FlipAClip)

There are also other characters like RCG (Rain Coat Girl from VLN), Shadow Six, Campfire Kids from the Comics. But I'm not drawing them RN, Just sticking with the Main trio in this AU.


In this AU there's something called a "Highlight Emotion".

It's where they feel a certain negative emotion which causes them to temporarily change colors. They'll change back when they stop feeling that Negative emotion.

(Mono) Sad = White

(Six) Mad = Black

(Seven) Scared = Red


Little Backstory for Seven (I have none for the others yet) :

Seven used to be Green instead of his normal colors. No, it isn't because Green isn't a creative color. (If you got that reference, lemme give you a high five)

Seven was in The Maw, of course. But in this AU The Maw is 10x worse.

You guys know the movie, "Isle Of Dogs"?. Well, if you do. The Maw is pretty much like that for The Children. Especially the 'Okay, it's worth it' scene.

There was a incident where the cages broke and Children were able to escape.

Now there was lots of children lose in The Maw, after weeks of trying to capture the children

They got an idea. They found out where the children most commonly were and closed off all exits to that area.

Seven in that area.

Nobody could leave, Monsters/Maw Workers were searching the area for children almost everyday all the time, and to make it worse. The Passage to The Kitchen, which was their only food source, was closed off. So food for children got extremely scarce quickly, and children got desperate for food quickly.

When children do find food, usually a fight breaks out for it.

After awhile of this Life Style, he kinda lost his emotions. This caused him to lose his green colors and just be how you saw him in the picture. He kept his wing ability though. (And he gained his emotions back later but not his Colors unfortunately.)

He at some point teams up with Six and the Campfire kids. (Their friendship is how he got his emotions back) Only to get separated from them days later.

While he was separated, he finds out one of the Maw Workers left the door open, he uses that as a chance to escape. So leaving his friends behind (which was painful for him), he ran away.

He went through the whole Maw (without killing The Lady), only to discover he was on a island. Surrounded completely by Water.

Seeing no other possible ways, he swims across the ocean (Sometimes using his Wing ability). He nearly drowns. But thanks to plot armor he ends up on land.

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