Rat In The Raincoat but...

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I had this idea at 12 AM in the morning.

Rat In The Raincoat but....

the whole entire story is retold through Tarzan covers and tarzan stock images.

The only thing I can use unrelated to Tarzan are animal pictures and little kid stock images (for the rats and Seven if I can't paste his face onto anything and need to spawn a representative.)

this is mostly based off memory and skimming through the pages because im not rereading the whole book for this dumb meme.

with that said, here's your summery of rat in a raincoat.


prologue :

first chapter (look the stock image was named "boisterous children play tarzan jane" so it still counts as tarzan

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first chapter (look the stock image was named "boisterous children play tarzan jane" so it still counts as tarzan.) :

(also what even is Tarzan Jane and how do you play it

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(also what even is Tarzan Jane and how do you play it.)

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

chapter 5:

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chapter 5:

chapter 6:

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chapter 6:

chapter 7:

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chapter 7:

chapter 8-12

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chapter 8-12

the rest of the book

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the rest of the book

the rest of the book

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and finally, a bonus one.  I found this Tarzan book cover while looking for images and oh my god this was perfect for a certain person we hate...

- POV : You're Seven. -


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