(Young!Remus x Fem!Reader) On Edge

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requested by @odettewernique
a/n: this is... much longer than i had in mind - 1965 words, including this, but ok. i'm sorry in advance if there are some spelling/grammatical errors, and feel free to comment on them.


"I think we should break up."

I shattered but laughed anyway, "What? Because I beat you in a game of Gobstones?"

We were lazing around - a Thursday after class with no kind of work for the first time in a while. It was nice.


"No, I'm sorry. I'm just not interested in you anymore. You're great but-"

"You've said plenty."

I stomped all the way back to my dorm. Damn anyone staring, and damn everything; damn it all back to hell. A cute boy. I shouldn't be surprised.

I should've been more wary of a cute boy.

There I was curled up in bed, running the scenario over and over again in my mind. Maybe, I have a a death wish. Why do I want good things? They all come to an end.

Ha ha edgy teenager alert.

Merlin, I am not okay.

I am not okay.

I fell asleep.


I was in my dorm pacing around. I've been on edge with the full moon soon and the break up. What an oaf! Only Prongs was there. The other two boys were doing god knows what to god knows who.

Probably Snivellus.

"I broke up with her. Was I wrong to do it?"

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Is that a question?" Prongs replied, exasperated.

"Oh yes, I wonder."

I lied on my bed, looking at the ceiling. I couldn't bare to look anyone in the eye. I know I was wrong; I shouldn't have done that.

"Fine, be like that. Do you like her?"


"Does she like you?"



"Then, what the bloody hell is your problem?"

"I'm a monster. It's as simple as that," I said nonchalantly.

Yes, nonchalantly, it would seem, but I meant what I said. A werewolf and a heartbreaker of my own damn heart.

"No, you idiot- if she likes you, she'll stay. God, why haven't you told her?"

I shrugged, "Because I'm insecure. Might as well accept my fate. I am a werewolf, and therefore, I will stay therewolf which is far away from where she could get hurt."

"Where is she?"

"What're you gonna do?"

"Where. Is. She?"

"Her dorm, probably."

I was wrong.

I was wrong.

I was so fucking wrong.


"Oh Y/nnn," I called in a singsong sort of voice.

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