(Charlie x Reader pt. 2) Royalty

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a/n: yeah, i know i'm late w this, and it's rather short. thanks for all the love and support tho. i, honestly, am grateful. :)

"Where are we going?"

"Yes," was his only reply.

I'd been blindfolded, and the only thing I knew was Charlie taking me on a date (or to the date.) I must be an idiot. I don't know where I'm going, and I'm trusting, basically, a stranger with my life. At least, he's cute.

"Holy shit, are we on moving stairs? I'm blindfolded if you don't remember, and I'm pretty sure the headmaster said there were death traps here and there."

"You're safe; I promise."

"If I die because of you, suicide. That will have been my death wish."

He chuckled, "Why, of course, your majesty, but you're not going to. Anyway, we're here."

He took off the blindfold, and the place was just beautiful. There were fireflies leading into the woods. I smiled at him.

"Cool, I'm a rule breaker, and it's just my first day."

"Curfew's nothing."

"Oh yes, and the Forbidden Forest is nothing as well," I quipped.

"You agreed to the date, so shall we?"

He offered his arm, and we followed the glowing path. The boy was pretty much Newt Scammander reincarnated with a forest full of furry and some not so furry friends.

Hands intertwined, we wandered along.

"How much of your time do you spend here?" We paused for a second.

"I don't know, but I come here as much as I can."


"Why anything?" A curious response.

"What time do you plan to bring me back?"

"Oh, are you tired?"
He took a step towards me

"No, just wondering. I liked this. I like you."
and I, towards him.

"I like you too."
Only centimetres apart.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Please," I laughed. Concern washed over him. "You had me at hello."

My first kiss and it was with a cute boy.

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