(Young!Remus x Reader) Apologies

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[Author: Lmao I can't believe I'm already doing another Remus one. Like holy shit I'm in love. Lmao get ready for a bunch of crap. I think there's only swearing in this part, the author's note.]

This is in their fifth year. The reader is a prefect, but if you are in Gryffindor, role with it. This is during the time of Snape's Pensieve. Also, some lines are taken from the book. Others are paraphrased.

O/n: Occupation name

No one's POV

The fifth years just finished taking their  exams in DADA. Some are going on to study while others to relax.

By the black lake are the Marauders. James is playing with a stolen snitch and his hair trying to go for a windswept style as Peter, next to him, marvels making "Ooh"s and "Ahh"s. Remus can be seen reading a book while Sirius is watching the girls across the lake.

Unfortunately, a young Slytherin boy has stumbled into sight. He was their prey, or mostly just James's and Sirius's.

His name? Severus.

Or as they call him so kindly, Snivellous.

As soon as he entered, he looked for a way to leave. Realising he was already in sight, his mind went to his wand, but James was fast.

"Expelliarmus," James shouted.

His wand shot out of his hand as soon as he got it.

Jealous of the fun his friend was having, Sirius knocked Severus off his feet with the impendiment jinx.

Remus did nothing about what was happening and sat still. His eyebrows furrowed though, and he stopped reading the book. Peter, however, filled with excitement as he watched his two friends bully the poor boy.

They started insulting him, gaining laughs from people starting to gather. Humiliated, Severus let out a stream of hexes and stream words. Nothing happened though. His wand was feet away from him.

"Wash out your mouth," James said coldly. "Scourgify!"

Bubbles foamed in his mouth, and he started choking.

Finally, someone intervened. It was his best friend, Lily. She distracted James and Sirius long enough for Severus to retrieve his wand. He cast a spell that cut James's face.

With a flash of light, Severus was in the air, Lily still yelling to put him down. People roared with laughter.

Eventually, James complies but makes sure he falls down with a thud. Sirius however, goes on to cast the full body binding spell.

After a bunch of yelling though, they leave him alone.

Sirius teases him once more about having Lily protect him, but humiliated, his emotions get the best of him causing him to call Lily a mudblood. At this, Lily becomes angry and leaves him to be bullied.

Suddenly, he's up again.

"Who wants to see me take off Snivelly's pants?" James asked.

Y/n's POV

I just finished my DA exam, and something's already happening again. Sometimes, I hated being prefect.

I'm at the back of a crowd trying to see what's happening when someone is raised up by the ankles. It's the Marauders bullying that kid Lily's friends with again.

I see Lily storming off away from the crowd and walk up to her.

"What's happening? I'm never there for anything," I laugh.

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