(Young!Sirius x Reader) Secret Admirer

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This takes place during their fifth year. The reader is kind of friends with the Marauders but is Remus's closest friend. Oh yeah—curse warning.

Y/n's POV

Mondays suck.

They mean readjustment, work, and effort. I could barely bring myself to wake up today. My bed's warm, but I need grades. I also need to get at least a glance of Mr. Playboy's face. Quite handsome and great hair.

I groaned and went to change before going to the Great Hall for the late breakfast. I looked around for friends, but they seemed to have gone early. I mean they always did, and I did too. I just slept in today.

I looked around some more and spotted Remus. I never usually ate with him, not wanting much to do with the other Marauders, but I didn't feel like eating alone, especially on a Monday.

"Heyyyy there wolfie," I said, sitting down next to him.

"Hello tiger," Sirius said.

"Not you," I said in an annoyed manner, even though I did enjoy his attention, and looked at the food left.

"What brings you here?" Remus asked.

"Ah well, woke up late. Can't find anyone else," I chuckled.

"And my best friend-" Remus was cut off by the others.

"We're your best friends," they said.

"And my best friend chooses me as a last resort," Remus feigned hurt.

"Aw cmon. We both know those other three are jealous I'm your best friend," I hugged him, and he easily hugged back.

I could feel someone burning holes into the back of my head, but I didn't mind. Remus was pretty popular, and not to boast. I was too. I was about to fall asleep like that, my eyes already closed, but someone cleared their throat really loudly.

I yawned, trying to rub the tiredness from my eyes, and looked over to where the sound came from.

"Hello," I said to Sirius.

No response. I let out a short laugh at this. They gave me a weird look.

"What's funny?" Peter asked.

"Sirius. Just—he's finally living up to his name," I said with a lazy smile as the rest started laughing.

I looked and Sirius, and even he gave a smile.

"Ah shit. Is it time already?" I looked around.

"Why? What's wrong?" Remus asked concernedly.

"I was having so much fun that I forgot to eat," I played off with a laugh.

"We can stop by the kitchens," Sirius suggested.

"Fuck nah. I've Transfiguration first. I'll just skip Divination after. My grades  there are high enough," I smiled.

"I'll come with then," Sirius offered.

"We will too," said the rest.

"Your choice," my heart warmed from their thoughtfulness.

No offense but Transfiguration was pretty boring. It was just reviews of last time. A paper ball was thrown at me coming from I don't know where. I didn't really pay attention.

I looked up at the professor to make sure she wasn't looking and opened up the paper.

"You don't need alohamora. You have the key to my heart"

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