Muggle [a book preview]

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A/n: I only edited the grammar.
Warning: swearing & Gryffindor!reader
Word count: 2688 including everything

[ I'm making a separate book with a full storyline and everything—an x reader. I'm not mentioning which character this is with, but you'll find out soon. Also, I use 24-hour time. :) ]

c/n: cousin's name or if not, a close friend
c/p: cousin/close friend's parent's name
c/l: cousin/close friend's last name
__ : censored (like features of the character)

Y/n's POV  [July 21 - 9:30]

"Yeah sure. Even if it's true though, why're you only telling me now?" I asked slightly irritated.

It was summer vacation, and C/n visited. She moves without a word and doesn't tell me. I mean I'd see her every summer, but every time I asked, she'd avoid the question. Now, she's giving me some crap about witches and wizards.

"Y/n, I wanted to tell you, but mom and dad wouldn't let me!" C/n reasoned.

"Come on. Don't lie to me. I can take it,"  I said softly.

"I'm- I'm a witch! It's true! We even have a school called Hogwarts," she said.

"Hogwarts? Hogwash! I'll believe you when knitted condoms are useful," I sneered.

"I'll prove it to you!" she said.

"Prove knitted condoms can be used to practice abstinence?" I asked sarcastically.

"Whatever, can we go to your garden?" C/n asked.

"Yeah okay," I grumbled.

When we got out, she picked up a fallen flower. She hesitated then thrust it into my hand. I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh wow a flower. Are you going to transfigure it or something?" I mocked.

"I know you're mad, but could you shut up a second?" she asked.

I pursed my lips but said nothing. I watched her as she put her hand over mine.

"Watch the flower," she said.

I nodded. Its petals followed the movement of her fingers. Eventually, she spread her fingers wide and raised her hand.

"What do you want me to do now? Tear it apart? Make it float away?" she asked.

"Okay! I believe you! I'm- I'm sorry. Does anyone else know? Like other than your family and me?" I asked.

"Only your parents. Mom and dad wanted to surprise you, but I couldn't wait," she laughed.

"So like spells and magical creatures and stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have different subjects than muggles. Oh uh muggles mean non-magical people," she said.

"Wait, why only now though?" I asked.

"Oh well, that's the real surprise. I really can't tell you that, or I'm dead," she said.

"Your parents'll kill you?" I asked.

"Oh we have these things like pinky promises, but it's like if you break the promise, you die," she laughed.

"Damn," I said.

"Hey, random question, um you like your chemistry classes, right?" she asked.

"I mean I guess. My scores are pretty good. You guys have chem too?" I asked.

"Uhm kinda. Potions," she said.

"Feels like the question wasn't very random," I said warily.

"Sorry. I tell you; I die," she shrugged.

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