(Malfoy!Fem!Gry!Reader) Potter Blood

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^continuation of request because i can't put it in the same damn area

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^continuation of request because i can't put it in the same damn area

requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva
warning: cursing
*just a reader insert

sixth year

Malfoy and Gryffindor — two words I never hoped to see together, but it's been six years. What can I do? It turns out I like these idiots and am one of them, so anything I say about this house reflects on me too.

I look back on things, and I find it funny how different Draco and I turned out. My big bro got rejected by one of my best friends, insult them as much as possible, insult my house as much as possible, and-

Jeez, I look up to that dummy. I am related to a guy who doesn't realise people are people even though they come from different families; I am related to grown ups who taught me that muggles are bad. Father and Dray sneak away to random meetings while mother distracts me. My first day of school, I cried about being away from that. I make excuses to make myself feel better because they are family.

I am incredibly dumb, but I have a heart. Sudden realisations are way too cheesy though. My mind has been loopy all day, so I just get out of my head and continue lunch next to my brother.

"Hey Dray?"

"Yeah baby sis?"

"Ok no to that, but what's our next class?"

"Why? We'll be walking together anyway."

"Actually, I plan to walk with my other fellow Gryffindor friends."

He gave a long exasperated sigh which I was pretty much used to by now.

"But why?"

"Ok six years. I've been friends with them for six years."

"Father doesn't like this."

"But he still loves me, so it doesn't matter."

"Will you at least help me with something later?"

"Last time I did that, Ron almost died. You're lucky I love you, so I'm not saying a word."

"Fine then."

I put my utensils down.

"Ok I'm done. Bye."

He nodded as I went over to the Trio in the courtyard, plopping down next to 'Mione.

They seemed to be talking already but I had to ask, "Any luck with the memory?"

"No, but Hagrid sent a letter," Harry replied handing over what looked like a used-to-be wet paper.

"Lucky," said Ron suddenly. "Harry, that's it — get lucky!"

"What'd you-"

"Use your lucky potion!" I intervened.

"Yes, that's- that's it!" said Hermione, sounding stunned. "Of course! Why didn't I think of it?

Harry stared at us. "Felix Felicis?" he said. "I dunno... I was sort of saving it..."

I smirked in a knowing way that neither Ron nor Hermione knew because they were too into each other. They pestered him about it while I scanned through. I wasn't going to a spider's funeral. I have to, at least, send something, right?

"Be right back, guys," I said before going to my dorm.

time skip

Y/n sends Hagrid a bottle of wine with a note that says, "Sorry for your loss" tied around it.

Y'all know the rest: Harry retrieves the memory. Lavender and Ron break up, and so do Dean and Ginny. Harry hexes a crying Draco, caught by Snape who gives him detention every Saturday until the end of the term causing him to miss a Quidditch match which is won because of Ginny who he kisses in celebration.

Author: The point is we're skipping to Dumbledore's death because writing everything would either be creating a summary or plagiarising HBP.

Too bored to sleep, I chose to stay up. I've been walking for a while. I'm about to turn a corner, but I hear footsteps too heavy to be those of a student's. I hope it's just a teacher, but I know otherwise. I hide in a dark nook. The steps go past me, but I hear a commotion.

"Expelliarmus!" my brother yells.

I freeze. I can't quite hear what's going on, but I'm sure it has something to do between Voldemort's side and Dumbledore's. Something bad will happen, and I'm sure of it. More go up the Astronomy Tower.

Finally, I hear the words I dread most: "Avada kedavra."

I see my schoolmates, and with tears streaming down my face, I fight. I fight against what my family is for, how terribly we were raised, and for the side I choose to be on. I fight until I fall.

I wake up in the hospital wing, the Trio by my side.

"What happened?"

"You just collapsed," 'Mione said.

"What?? Not hit by some spell? That is boring as fuck. Anyone else that's down?" My tone dropped a little. "Dead?"

"Dumbledore," Harry said guiltily. "And Bill's now some kind of werewolf."

I sighed then got out of bed.

"You sure you're ok up?" Ron asked.

"No, but I'd rather be in my dorm bed than this- damn it. No, it's not that." I sat back on the bed. "I'm going to be against my family in this- this- whatever this is. They're wrong — I know — but they're family."

I put my head in my hands in tiredness. A warm hand rubbed my back, and a pop came.

A note read, "Dumbledore's Office: Pepper Imps. Harry and Y/n, please look at it."

When we got in, there was a Pensieve. I watched Voldemort kill Lily and James Potter die protecting two babies — one taken and the other, left.

When it ends, I look up at my biological brother. He engulfs me in a hug, and I feel part of a real family despite it only being us. I still love Draco and mum and dad, but Harry's real family. He makes me feel - not - alone.

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