9k - Royalty (Charlie x Reader)

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a/n: jeez i can't even. i'm so glad y'all are clicking on this, but i think i'm gonna do these things by fives. i'm so sorry i haven't been updating, but i can't get my head together.

to anyone who needs this right now, you are fucking amazing one way or another, so don't let anyone say otherwise. we all have our ups and downs, but trust me when i write that everything gets better even when it doesn't seem like it. it's cliche but true. remember that. ♥︎

y/h: your hogwarts house
y/i: your ilvermony house
y/g: your guardian (mom/dad/other)

[ i'm a thunderbird and gryffindor - i mean of course. what about the rest of y'all? :) ]

I've been here six years; it'll be hard leaving. Ilvermony has been my life, but if y/g thinks I should go to Hogwarts, I think I should go too.

I'll always be a y/i though.

I arrived early at the station and got an empty compartment. I sat by the window. I locked the door, but my eyes were wide open just in case someone came by.

Maybe, I should have slept. I'm terrible at socialising. Someone came by. I immediately shut my eyes as I saw the person.

A string of knocks. Another. Then, the person started banging.

"Wake up! We need a place to sit," he yelled.

How rude. I groaned internally before choosing to "wake up" and open the door. I didn't even bother greeting. I just sat back down and closed my eyes pretending to "sleep."

I did eventually though and woke up to muttering. I opened my eyes, and the noise fell - eyes, instead, falling upon me. I saw four red heads; two of which looked exactly alike. I squinted, rubbed my eyes, and looked around again.

Next to me was the guy from earlier, and in front of me were his younger brothers. The second oldest sat in front of me, and he looked in pain because of the younger twins by his side.

"Morning prince(ss)," the oldest laughed.

I scoffed, "Where's Prince Charming? He's often described as handsome, but don't judge a book by its cover, right?"

He opened his mouth then closed it, speechless. The twins burst into laughter, and I smiled at his loss of words.

"Well, you must be the transfer. We're in the same class. Charlie Weasley at your service. I'm a pauper, but I've played with dragons," he teased.

"I'm guessing the other three are your little brothers?"

"Yes, in front of you is Ickle Percy, and next to him are our jokers, Fred and George."

"Hi," the three said in unison.

"Well, I'm Y/n L/n, a prince(ss) from the faraway land of Ilvermony. You fools must be blessed by my presence," I joked.

"We're almost there. I suggest you change into your robes. We did as you slept," Charlie said.

I looked out the window then nodded. I proceeded to take my clothes and go to some bathroom to change. When I came back, I saw the Weasleys messing with my luggage. I squinted and saw that they were putting some charm on it; most probably as a prank. I rolled my eyes.

I knocked on the door and asked, "Could you please not?"

They jumped away from the bag.

"I- not what?" Charlie asked.

"Please undo whatever it was you guys did then pass the bag back to me. I saw you guys with my bag - clear as a cloudless sunny day," I said.

"Well, just so you know, you ruined it," he said then cast a counter charm and passed it to me.

I put my clothes in then took my place, and my eyes stayed open for the rest of the ride. The scenery was nice. It was very green, and there were cute little cottages and large mansions along the way.

As the school came into view, my eyes widened in joy. It wasn't Ilvermony, but it was beautiful. I took out my camera to take some pictures; I'd want to send some back to my family. I then looked over at Charlie with a goofy smile and lifted the camera.

"Smile! I want my family to-"

"See your first boyfriend?" he teased.

I scoffed, "Are you asking me on a date?"

"Yes," he said proudly.

"You're asking a stranger?"

"We're not strangers, are we? You're Y/n L/n, and you know I'm Charlie Weasley. There's nothing strange in that."

The twins began chanting, "CHARLIE AND Y/N SITTING ON A TREE..." and so on and so forth.

I smiled, "I'll go on a date with you, but make it worth it. You might be Prince Charming after all."

a/n: do you guys need a part two?

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