(Neville x Fem!Sly!Reader) Obsessed

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edit — ship warning: drarry

requested by @TheLivingAnxiety
Sorry, I was struggling with writer's block, but here it is. :)



Of all names, I have this one.
And of all people, I like Longbottom.
Neville Longbottom.


"C'mon, Dray. Is he that bad?"

She'd have been better off not telling me. I laughed as if she were joking; actually, I really thought she was. We were in my room — a free period. I laid prettily on my bed (more than she could, honestly) with a book in hand while she sat "improperly" on some chair as mother would describe it, her legs over one of its arms and her back against the other. I didn't even bother looking at her while we talked. That wasn't the point though, so it didn't matter.

"Hey! Did I ever complain about the googly eyes you make at Mr. Green Eyes and Perfect Smile? Your sworn enemy for what could be life?"

"Wh- I-" I stammered. Clearly, that took me by surprise, eyes everywhere, but I regained the composure to continue coolly (at least, I felt cool), "Not like I'm gonna pursue him, but y'know- he's handsome, isn't he? And smart and brave and could you say the same about your toad lover?"

"Excuse me? We're talking about the same Potter, aren't we? If we're looking at the trio, it's Granger and her two extra brain cells."



"I'm not gonna fight you on this, but you know what father would say."

I definitely could have worded that better, but she shouldn't have eyes for Longbottom anyway.

She sighed, "Yeah- I just- no, yeah, I know."

Her parents, death eaters and his of the order against. She'd be better off not liking him at all.

For the rest of the day, Y/n couldn't stop staring. I couldn't help but notice her actions and the emotions bubbling beneath them. She laughed when he laughed; she got hurt when he did. I might be in love with my sworn enemy, but this passed my level of unhealthy.

It was unfair.

It was so unfair. I'm oblivious but not completely blind. She was completely and utterly intoxicated by the thought of him simply being, and he probably didn't even think of her. Whatever it was that lead her to such a situation was something could only be described as evil. It was an internal conflict of betraying her parents or her heart, but either way, she'd lose the same way I already did in which way, I didn't know.

It was frustrating. If she were any other girl in the class, if I were any other person in class, we would have a chance, but of course, we weren't. It doesn't work that way.

She's a Malfoy, and he's a Longbottom. No one chooses their name, but for a while - maybe even for the rest of their lives - they have to deal with it. They're born into it.

Maybe, I'm the one being unfair. It's not like Longbottom could do anything about us — not alone. Was I being overprotective? Projecting the same probabilities I have with Saint Potter?

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