(Oliver x Reader x Percy) Only One

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requested by @OtakuAsFu
sorry if it's a bit weird - i'm not a sporty person and therefore have no idea what happens after games

Oliver's POV

"And Gryffindor wins!"

I was pretty much beat. Quidditch games could go on for some time.

"Good game, Ollie," she smiled.

"You are quite the beater," I flattered.

"And you are quite a keeper," she winked.

"Will you do this every time?" I groaned.

"Yes, because I completely doubt my competence, yet you choose to stroke my ego."

"You can stroke my ego," I flirted.

She grimaced, "Line."

"Yup, yup, it felt wrong saying it out loud."

"Aight see ya."

"See ya."

Then, she walked away, the same way she's done every year before, but this time, I decided it'll end differently.

"No, Y/n, wait!" I called.

She turned around. This was new; this was nice.

"Miss me already?" she teased.

"I- Do you want to play some more Quidditch later on?"

Lame date idea. Jesus fuck, I can't believe I have a brain. If anything, it's a walnut.

"Quidditch after a Quidditch game?"

I nodded.

"Just you and me?"

I nodded again.

"So just a beater and a keeper?"

I pursed my lips but nodded again.

"So you're telling me that I just get to aim bludgers at you while you try to dodge them?"

My eyes darted from one place to another, but I nodded. This was going to be bad for me.

"Okay. Your choice. Let's say 10:30-ish. See you then."


I just grinned like an idiot until she went. I was going to get rather beat up though. That's how the rest of them ended up at the hospital wing. I shuddered in fear. A pretty lass? Yes. A pretty good beater? Also, yes.

I just headed for my dorms.

Percy's POV

I'd been in the room reading — sitting on the bed with a pillow on my back — when the door opened with a bit of a bang. I cringed. Oliver. Must be back from Quidditch. Took a while though.

"Please close it gently," I said, not taking my eyes off the book.

"Oh sorry. Just a bit tired," he sighed, throwing himself at the foot my bed despite his being only a bit away.

"It ended half an hour ago. I don't know what's been keeping you," I said, a little concerned.


My ears perked up. She seemed interesting. At least, if Oliver hung out with her a lot, she had to be, but I had the communication skills of a spoon — none whatsoever. He shimmied closer, his knees caging mine. This man had no sense of personal space.

"What're you reading?"

I lowered the book and scoffed, "Oliver Wood? Interested in what I'm reading?"

He rolled his eyes at me.

"Voyages with Vampires. Aren't you a keeper-"

"I most certainly am," he winked.

"-I thought you were supposed to have good eyesight."

He plopped, face down, arms and legs sprawled out. No sense of personal space, but I still chuckled. Five years living with Oliver Wood.


It was a bit muffled by the sheets though. Cute.

"So what's with my book?" I asked, hoping to further the conversation.

"I don't know. I want to pass the time."

"Why don't you go back to ogling the L/n girl?"

"Shut up. Read me a passage, please?"

Y/n's POV

It was around eleven when he came, but there was someone behind him — red locks, freckles, horn-rimmed glasses — Percy Weasley. We were probably going to lose points and earn detention. Damn Oliver for not being quiet.

"Hiya Weasley," I said.

Oliver turned around.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's past curfew, and I'm a prefect. What did you expect me to do?"

"Say something earlier?"

"Well, it looked like you were meeting someone, so I decided two for one, right?"

Weasley chuckled awkwardly as Oliver gave him a long hard stare, and it became a little silent. We were just three kids in the pitch at night staring at each other.

Suddenly, Oliver pushed him.

"I know your little secret."


"You couldn't just tell me?"

"Why would I?"

"Instead of coming here to ground us or whatever?"

He faced me.

"Y/n, we both like you, so you have to choose."

I sucked in. I already liked Oliver, but I'm terrible at rejecting people.

"What?" Percy asked. "When you said 'my little secret', you thought I liked Y/n? I don't even know her. I'd like to be friends - sure - but why on Earth would I like her?"

"Thank Merlin," I said in relief. "Oliver, you really like me back?"

He grinned, "Back?"

I took his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. That definitely lessened the blow of detention and lost house points.

a/n: yeah percy's secret?

he likes oliver. sorry i accidentally turned it into a perciver. i mean this could be a whole thing where oliver thinks back and realises percy never told him his secret. i'm not gonna make this into an actual book, but i just enjoy imagining.

Or maybe, I could just make a Perciver oneshot?

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