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"Yeah, just mourning the looks I never had but wished I could."

Y/n muttered something to themself before getting up. They decided they needed to go and see Drista.

Without much thought they went to the front door, slipping on a soft pair of shoes before silently exiting. They made their way towards the stairway, going down without much of an issue.

Before they knew it they were walking through that hallway. Carefully, the entered the control room as a strong headache decided to rain down upon them. A tiny groan escaped their lips as they started rubbing their temples. The seering pain traveled throuhout their entire skull, this caused them to lean against a wall.

A whirring sound entered their atmosphere, calming them ever so slightly but never truely expelling the pain. Y/n pushed past it though, and stumbled over to the main panel and peering through the window. They didn't know what they were expecting to see.

Maybe a girl sitting in a corner, her head down as she quietly cried.

Or maybe they'd see the girl walking around, looking at the walls as she patiently waited for them to return.

What they didn't expect to see, however, was the girl standing in the center of the room wearing a new outfit. She was talking to a familiar pink haired male. Their whirring sped up ever so slightly, their face tinting slightly pink.

They were embarrassed. Of course the male had entered their room. Of course the male took the clothes they picked out for the girl. Of course the male took the food for the girl.

He/She/They brought their hands up to their face. Memories of what had happened hours ago had finally seeped through to their mind. They remember their panick/anxiety attack, they remember their conversation with the male, and they remember grabbing the males sleeve while claiming Drista needed the items they prepared.

A wave of exhaustian and pain rushed over them as the whirring in their chest picked up quite a bit.

' I need to be sure she's okay. '

They stumbled over to the door, tripping up slightly and ending up lucky when they landed against said door. They pried the door open in a rush, closing it behind them before stumbling over to a door on one end. Of course they almost stumbled into the door but was lucky. Again, they had to pry the door open. They didn't hesitate to lean their back against the door.

They couldn't hear the whir that came from them start to echo loudly in the room. The pink haired male turned to see who had entered the room as well as see if he could pin point the sound source. Drista wasn't hesitant when she gave a vibrant and purely ecstatic look before she rushed over and practically squeezed Y/n in a hug manner.

"Hey there.." They spoke softly, still quite tired, as they brought their hands up. Their right hand resting in the girls-now braided, they noted- hair while the other rested around their middle. Their whirring slowed ever so slightly as they allowed their eyes to flutter shut with contentment.

★ ꪑꪮꪀડ𝕥ꫀ𝕣ડ? ★ ꪑᥴꪗ𝕥 ᥊ 𝕣ꫀꪖᦔꫀ𝕣 ★ HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now